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"Tom!" I shouted, running through the middle of the hall. He was ignoring me like the plague. What was I supposed to do? I knew telling him wasn't a mistake. One has to face the truth, one way or another. I finally caught hold of him in the second floor girls' bathroom. Was he really trying to escape through the tunnel? I slipped in right behind him, my feet splashing through the murky water.

He had probably carried me out of there last night when I passed out because I woke up in the room of requirement. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead as I tried to keep up with his long strides.

"Stop, Tom! Right now, or I swear to Salazar, I will never talk to you." He paused, turning on his heel.

I ran to him, needing the embrace of a lifetime. He was too stiff to reciprocate, so I didn't pull away until he did.

"You Tom Marvolo Riddle are not a monster, please believe me."

"I killed Cedric Diggory, I killed Leo Rosier. How can you not call me a monster?"

It made me blink back. How was I supposed to respond to a question I didn't know the answer to?

He got me there, but the words made it out of my throat before I could realise.

"Because you were insane! You had no idea what was what. Your soul was split one too many times for you to even comprehend emotions."

"I murdered your parents and ruined your life, Rose! Just stop making me think that it is okay."

I remained silent as he walked away, leaving me stuck in one place.
What made Tom Riddle any different from Voldemort? He committed his first murder in this current year. He wasn't innocent, but then neither was I.

I thought of murder, I thought of crucioing someone. I realised it was vastly different from acting on it. I knew this Tom, my Tom wouldn't do it though. He should have already gone to murder his father and family, but he didn't. He found out they were alive and didn't do anything. The previous Tom would have raised hell. Instead, he was locking himself away from me. A monster doesn't worry if they are a monster. They just are. Without question. In some way, friendship saved this boy. To have someone who understands you saved this boy.

I followed where he had gone, "If I saw any bit of monster in you, you would be dead. So don't go thinking about it!"

He came to me, and our faces aligned if not for a slight height difference.
"Rose, I am no good for you."

"I decide who's good for me," I whispered. "You helped me, protected me in situations where you could have not cared. If you are so scared of hurting me, you are not a monster."

He looked unsure, battling the opposites in his head. I intertwined my fingers in his. He looked down at me, "I'm so sorry."

I nodded, "I know."


This girl was going to be my undoing. She stood before me, the only person who didn't claim me as different or strange. After it all, she didn't stay away, never left me. Never in my life had I  apologised for anything, ever. I took what I wanted whenever I wanted. People learned to fear me and learned to cower away, but not this girl. This stubborn, stupid girl who trusted me. Her dainty hand felt soft in my usually tight grip. It was strange, of course, even when it felt good. I had done things I wasn't proud of.

"I killed him."


"I killed my father."

Her hand drifted away, shock visible in her irises. A pained look crossed her features. A look I never wanted her to feel from me. I had done it before she arrived here, and now I felt the regret I thought was impossible. The moment she realised she hadn't saved me was the most heart-wrenching thing I witnessed.

She stepped back, " No."
Tears rolled down her eyes as she broke free of my loose hold and ran, probably for her life. That was what I deserved, that was exactly what I deserved.

I stayed in my room for the better half of the day. It had been very long since I felt this hollow. This was nothing compared to how I felt at Privet Drive in the Dursely home. I failed even before I started. Of course he never told me, why  would he?

I walked through the halls like a ghost. Abraxas tried to ask me what was wrong, Orion looked way too concerned and Theo was simply confused. Their Lord hadn't showed up to classes that morning. It could only be for the one reason I looked so distraught.

That is when I realised, he had already made a horcrux. His soul was already split in two. I wanted to cry, scream, throw up but I could only stare off into space.

When I was isolated in my room, I called on death, seeing as I was his mistress.

"You called?" A raspy voice asked as clouds of smoke descended.

"How do I save him Mortem?" I asked desperately.

"He is already saved, Mistress, believe it or not. It is not the past that defines him anymore, it is his present choices and what he chooses ahead. Remember, all can be reversed. Good luck."

Love In The Dark- T.M.RWhere stories live. Discover now