What Have I Done?

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Now, I just had to make sure he wouldn't come to know about horcruxes. There was too much at stake here, I was probably about to change the Wizarding World.
We were standing in front of the Gringotts building nervously. At least I was nervous, but Tom looked sure. I just followed his lead.

I cleared my throat at the goblin sitting on the high chair, "Greetings Master Goblin. May your gold ever flow."

He looked surprised, "Greetings, may your enemies fall against your blade." 

"We would like inheritance tests, please."

"This way." He jumped down, leading us inside.

"Three drops of blood, Ms...?"

"Ms. Evans... currently at least, and this is Mr. Riddle is also only currently."

The goblin smirked in amusement.

I raised my hand over the everflowing parchement and cut my palm. The blood dropping made shivers run down my spine.

Lady Rose Peverell
Age : 16
Date of birth: 31st July
Parents : Holly and Rio Peverell
Godparents : none
Vaults : Peverell and Black
Core : Dark
Status : Halfblood
Powers : Parseltongue, black magic, and soul magic.
Soul piece of : Tom Marvolo Riddle
Standing : Mistress of Death

Fuck. Tom was too busy, so he looked at his, and he was after all, Lord Slytherin.

Then he looked over. Then we just stared at each other in horror. The goblins were silent as well.

Thankfully, he kept his calm as we accessed our vaults and then walked out. The goblin with us was stuttering and stumbling after seeing my standing. I didn't think that even in his long life, he had met the Mistress of Death.

I had to award Tom's ability to stay composed. My head went on a rampage of how I would explain this all to him. I had to show him, didn't I?

We walked all the way to the floo to go to Hogwarts. We politely thanked Dippet, and like clockwork, our feet moved in the direction of the chamber of secrets. We slipped in and went to an old bedroom like place.


I sighed, ''When- when I was a baby, a dark lord had risen. By that time, Dumbledore had taken over as the Leader of the Light. He made me the child of a prophecy that stated the day I was born, would be the child to vanquish him. Of course, the Dark Lord went on a hunt for me. He killed my parents and he gave me this." I moved my bangs out of the way.

"Tom, his name was Lord Voldemort. It was you and I'll show you the rest."

Suddenly Tom is being pulled into my mind.

"Please not her! Take me instead, please not Rose."

"Move aside foolish girl!"

"Avada Kedarva!"

The scene changes, "The only family she has." Being dropped at the Dursley home's doorstep.

"There is no such thing as magic, girl!"

"Harpee Birthday Rose. Yer' a witch."


Ron and Hermione, Mirror of Erised, quidditch, multiple traps. Quirell.

Having the philosopher's stone in hand, "Join me, meet your parents." Says the possessed man's face.


Home of abuse, Wealsey home, Hogwarts again, the basilisk's hissing through the halls, Gilderoy Lochart, accidental use of parseltongue, being blamed as the Heir of Slytherin.

"She won't wake," Sixteen year old Tom says.

"Attack her!"

Killing the basilisk, destroying the book.

Sirius, Remus, Triwizard Tournament, Voldemort rising, "I can touch you now."


Rose's first love Cedric Diggory dies, being blamed as the girl who lies. Neglected by Dumbledore, kept secrets by friends, Umbridge's torture, the death eaters, Sirius dying...horrifying screams of agony.

"STOP IT, THAT'S ENOUGH!" Tom screamed at me. Oh, but he hadn't even seen the war.

"Not yet!" I pulled him in again.

Sectumsempra, Halfblood Prince's Diary, falling in love with Leo Rosier, Leo Rosier's death by Voldemort, Dumblore's death, Snape's betrayal, Hedwig's death, being on the run, more torture by Bellatrix and finally...the entire war of two years.

Rose's death. Rose dies saving the world.

"What have I done?" Tom sunk to the floor. "What have I done?"

For the first time ever, I saw remorse in his eyes. Tears rolled down both our cheeks, but I didn't know who was crying harder.

Just reliving all of it sent me into a panic attack which he noticed. I shouldn't have pushed myself so far but I was angry! Of everything unfair in my life.

"Merlin, Rose. Breath, please breathe for me. I am so sorry. I am so so sorry."

I couldn't respond, couldn't think, couldn't breathe.

I think I passed out, but not before sending a magical blow through the school.

It all shook as Tom tried to contain himself. What had he done? How could he have been so monstrous? He deserved to die by Rose's hands, and this merlin forsaken girl was trying to save him. Who was that pure? After so much?

"A monster can't be saved," he whispered to himself.

"A monster can be prevented," Rose's last words before she fell deep again.

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