Touch her and you die

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Tom kept a sharp eye on me for the next few days. He couldn't approach me. We both knew that, so I planned to approach him once again. My mind was filled with unanswered questions even though I knew the boy's whole history. A string in my heart or more like my soul tugged at me when I saw him.

I found myself a paper and pen when Mrs. Cole wasn't looking.


When no one was looking, I slipped it through the gap in his door with a single knock.

At midnight, I snuck out of the old orphanage. I'm trying my best to tip toe through the rooms. Olivia was already fast asleep. I cast a silencio charm on myself halfway through.

To my surprise, the dark-haired boy was readily stood there. I removed the charm from me and tapped his shoulder from behind. He instantly pressed me against the tree, wand digging into my throat.

"Relax," I assured.

"Never sneak up on me."

"Got it, chief." I saluted.

"Just who are you?" He questioned, making me gulp.

"An abandoned orphan witch. I suppose you know what it's like."

"I've never seen you at Hogwarts, I know each and everyone there."

"That's because I never went to school," I lied.

"I will get the truth out of you eventually."

"I know you will." The chill of the midnight wind blew through my long skirt, messing up the fallen strands of my hair. I looked into Tom's eyes, letting my occlumency shields drop, letting him prowl into my childhood.

He saw how I lived in a cupboard, saw how Vernon grabbed my hair, saw how Petunia burned me with pans, and how Dudley used me as his punching bag. Being called a freak over and over again by everyone.

I swore I saw sympathy in his eyes when I pushed him out.

He walked away without a word, but I knew I got to him.

The next day, I frankly gave up caring about the others' opinions. I borrowed a book from the library nearby and went to sit under a tree until I noticed Tom lounging under the opposite tree. We sat in silence.

"Rose!" The matron called, "You have a guest."

I furrowed my eyebrows, getting up and skipping up my room in confusion. The curious boy was on my heels, trying to peek in. He looked like he had an idea of who it was.

My breath hitched on seeing the man sitting on the chair in my room. Tom's eyes widened, but he stayed at the doorway.

"Professor Dumbledore." He acknowledged as the future headmaster gave a curt nod in return.

"I assume you are Rose Evans," he spoke, switching to his kind facade. Dumbledore definitely did not appreciate having an audience from the boy he loathed.

"My dear girl," I cringed at that as an idea presented itself in my head.

"If you are a doctor, I assure you I am normal unlike the others have told you."

He looked gobsmacked, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

"I am not a doctor, but a professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

I falsely gaped, "I knew it! I knew there was something special about me. I could move things with my mind, hurt the people who treated me badly, and manipulate animals into doing my bidding."

The impersonation rolled off my tongue like a lemon drop. If it was possible, I could feel the boy behind me stifle an unmanly snort. Oh, he got what I was doing, and the surprise was evident in the air at the same time. The professor rushed to give my letter. A wave of deja vu washed over me. I purposely looked into his eyes, and as predicted, he searched my mind. I gave the memory flashes of what I thought most crucial at the moment. He bounced back, horrified.

Getting up, he took his immediate leave, but I swear I heard him mutter, "What have I done?"

Tom smirked at me while extending his hand, "Tom, Tom Riddle."

"Rose, Rose Evans."

The start of a new life began.


The next day me and the future dark lord and I sat under the same tree quietly. An agreement was made. I wouldn't tell him anything if he won't tell me about his intentions first.

There were stares and whispers, followed by a boy who strode towards us. His meaty hands and face reminded me of Dudley. Oh, he was up to no good, alright.

He picked me up by my collar, and I pretended to struggle. I wanted to see just how far Tom would go to help a fellow abomination.

"Who do you think you are to hang out with him of all people?" He spat harshly.

"I'm just a girl who wouldn't even notice you," I replied.

"Ooooh," the boy's lackies snickered, faintly reminding me of Malfoy.
He went to throw a punch to my nose at the snarky reply.

Now, I knew every page in a book on how to handle a punch, but I waited.

On cue, Tom pushed the boy away, pulling me behind him. He wouldn't let his weapon be injured now, would he?

"This is your last warning Billy, touch her, and you die."

I blinked back in surprise at the protectiveness. The boy ran away with his friends.
So this was the Billy whose rabbit was hung by my only.

"Why do I feel like everything you do is a scheme?" He laughed a deep, melodic laugh that I never assumed he could ever do. I recovered back though.

"Oh, you have seen nothing yet." I smirked mischievously.

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