Welcome to the Darkside

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I was lounging on an armchair in the common room when the door opened. A group of slytherins filed in, and their eyes landed on me. I knew nothing good would come out of this. Tom wasn't here, and this was the perfect opportunity for them to be predators.

"Lookie who we have here, a filthy mudblood." A burly, six foot boy sauntered towards me.

He seemed to be the leader of the group who were withholding snickers. A bully, just another idiotic bully that I knew I could deal with.

"Go pick on someone your own size." I scoffed indignantly.

"Oooh, she's got a tongue. Probably put Riddle under a love potion, too."

Their insults continued for a while as I gave them my snarkiest remarks.

I wasn't prepared for the unexpected spell thrown my way by one of the boys. I swiftly rolled off the chair and stood up angrily.

"Bombarda!" I cursed at them. They moved away, which created a hole in the wall that anyone could repair.
"Stupefy!" Another cried, which I easily dodged.

"Levicorpsus," I hung the boy up while another threw me off. Falling onto a table end slashed my cheek as blood flowed.

The battle went on for some time, and I managed to either tire out or knock some unconscious.

"Crucio." The boy fumed, and I knew just what to do. I sent it back.

The boy started to wither on the floor as I kept my wand pointed at him. There was a heavy silence in the room, filled by the torturous screams of the individual.

Thrill crawled up my spine, and I was invincible. I grinned as the boy begged me to stop. His eyes rolled back in pain, so much pain that I thoroughly basked in the beauty of.

I bent down to his shaking body, "Never mess with a mudblood."

Someone pulled me away, putting my hand carefully down. I was too caught up in power to feel them ushering me out.

I came to my senses when I was pushed into a room. I immediately pointed my wand at my captors throat.
"It's me, it's me," Abraxas put his arms up. Oh.

What have I done?

He cleaned my blood-stained cheek and stopped the bleeding. I had learned some healing spells that easily covered the scar.

"How did you know what to do?" he asked.

"Practice Abraxas, a lot of experiences."

When I got to my room, I cast a muffliato and screamed as loud as I could. What have I done? What have I done?

I slipped down at the sheer thought of the damage I probably caused the boy. I crucioed someone and I... enjoyed it. I wanted to do it again. I went up to the mirror, and I saw what horrified me most. My eyes, my pupils were red. They were burning red just like the curse. I blinked it away, blaming my crazy imagination. I wasn't a monster. I just lost control. I wasn't a monster.


"It's as beautiful as I remember it," I said dreamily, looking around the chamber.

Tom quirked his eyesbrows at my words though knew better than to ask me. All in good time, I had told him.

"Ember, we have a guest," he hissed in parseltongue.

The basilisk slithered into the room. Ember, huh.
"Do I need to close my eyes?"

"No, he won't hurt you, love."

Just the way he said it sent shivers down my spine, which he noticed.

"Do you like it when I call you, love?" he whispered in my ear.
Trying not to let it bother me, I rolled my eyes.

I was still shaken by the incident in the common room. Avery, I learned his name was, had to be tended to by house elves because he couldn't go to the hospital wing. It would have raised too many questions and doomed me. Abraxas promised what happens in the common room and stays in the common room. I didn't know to what extent.

We played around with the basilisk for some time, who was shocked that I could speak its language. "Is she your mate?" It asked, and we both screamed NO in unison. Why does that keep happening to us? Just because we are two Parselmouths and - and I technically contain a piece of his soul - it was still different.

"Was it you?" Tom asked after a while. "Did you crucio Avery?"

My silence was all the answer he needed. He definitely rubbed off on me.

"Welcome to the darkside," he said.

I couldn't forget the amount of power I felt when having the boy under my control. I wanted to do it again and again, and it horrified me. So I thought to change the topic.

"Tom, the hat, it told me something.
It called me Ms. Peverell."

He remained in shock for a few seconds, "Now we need to go to Gringotts."

It made sense to be known as a Peverell because of the invisibility cloak and my title as Mistress of Death.


We begged the headmaster, Armando Dippet, to let us go there on urgent business. I knew Tom would find out about his heritage as well. I thought it was time to let him know. If I were a monster, I wanted him to be one too. I wanted to murder Tom Riddle Sr. for causing Tom pain. I hated Mereope, but I hated her family more. If we killed them, it could work out.

Salazar, what was I thinking?

Little did I know that the moment I used one of the darkest curses, my core changed. Something darker, something deeper and something deadly.

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