The way we woke up

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The matron was shocked when she learned I was accepted into the same school as Tom. The two misfits were now moved into the same room, which neither cared about. It prevented them from spreading the so called ''disease''. Of course Mrs. Cole heard about what happened with Billy, and she punished both of them by removing their bedsheets and blankets in the unusually cold weather. So now they were left shivering. It was plainly cruel and I hated Cole than ever now. Who left children to freeze and probably die?

"Tom, I am about to suggest something very bizarre...Can you- can you come sleep in my bed?" My teeth clattered.

"Want an even bizarre answer? Yes."
He shivered, making his way over.

He had before agreed to sleep on the mattress while I got the bed, but now I will be sharing it with the person who murdered my parents. They were probably rolling in their graves.

If it was possible, I definitely hated Dumbledore more. Tom saw the way my eyes burned with hate when he left the room.

As weird as it was, we fit in together, though still keep a centimetre distance. His body heat calmed me a little, and the same goes for him even though he'll never admit it. I think we fell asleep soon after that.

I never expected to wake up the way I did. Tom was practically spooning me, HE WAS SPOONING ME.

I could feel his breath fan my neck, his steady breathing making me yearn for his touch even more. I tried to get his arm off my waist, but he just held tighter, refusing to let me go. Merlin, I would have to wake him up like this.

"Tom," I shook his arm, "Tom wake up."

"Hmm?" He said, blinking back to reality.

"For Salazar's sake!" He practically pushed me away. I held myself so as not to fall off the bed. Amidst all the chaos, I wondered how it held both our weights.

"This never happened!" He hushed.

"I agree a hundred per cent!" I spat back.

We ignored each other for most of the day. The matron came up to us in the kitchen, "Learned your lesson, have you?"

We furiously nodded as she chucked the sheets at us. I had never been more relieved, but a small pang in my heart hurt when Tom strode up the stairs to our room, after forcing the blankets out of my hands. I was just lucky he didn't make me share a room with Olivia again.

Many days passed by, and soon, it was July 31st. I still didn't know what year it was, but I was turning 16. I soon learned that Tom had already been 16 the year before. His birthday came on the last day of the year.

I felt someone sneak up behind me, "Happy birthday," the familiar voice murmured. The deep, husky voice.

It had been a long time since someone had wished me a happy birthday. I had been too distracted with the war in the past two years that there was no time for celebrations. But again, I had never celebrated my birthday. Though fondly remembered Hagrid getting her a cake. Hagrid. Merlin, he was going to be expelled this year by no other than Tom! I have to stop him, I have to stop him somehow.

What reason could he ever trust me with? I was broken out of the trance when he whispered, "Little Viper."

The hair on the back of my neck stood up and he thoroughly enjoyed it. I turned around so that we were standing face to face or more like throat to face. He was taller than my malnourished body. I looked up at him and the world stopped, for a moment we stood there.

He instantly pulled away after a throat cleared. Billy was stood there with an evil smirk, about to run to tell everyone but I got to him first.

"Tell anyone and I swear you will meet your end," I said maliciously.

He nodded, looking ready to cry as I let him run away.
Tom was looking smug, "I rubbed off on you."

"Oh please, I've got this in me."


Soon in August it was time to visit Diagon Alley. I was nervous and I hoped I didn't let it show. The boy beside me who I had gotten to know in the past few weeks read my expression.

Tom wasn't a monster, not yet. He was a sociopath in the making but it would only continue if he found out about his family or the Chamber of Secrets. At least one of that was inevitable and I hoped it was the latter. Learning his parentage would definitely send him into fury so I had to do what I needed most in the moment. I had to kill Morfin, Marvolo and Tom Riddle Sr. I was already a murderer but I could prevent someone from being one. I hoped Tom never found out it was me. I hoped he never found out about the abuse Mereope suffered by her family or his father leaving the mother. The love potion. I was the girl-who-lived but he was the boy-who-couldn't-love.

What a pair we were.

I contained a piece of his soul within me so I knew. I almost froze after realising that I thought of murder so casually. Was it a part of his heart or mine entirely? I couldn't ignore the thrill I felt when I burned Voldemort's face off or when I sunk the basilisk tooth into the diary. But maybe it was because I wanted revenge. A part of me urged that it wasn't the only reason.

He tapped the wall and after a few seconds it opened. I pretended to be amazed at the sight when Tom glanced down at me. Mamma mia, here we go again.

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