Ch. 3: Dark Forces

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In the Boiling Isles, Willow was showing Luz around. They were currently in the woods, heading back to the Owl House. Ever since she saved her from Boscha and her group, Luz and Willow had quickly became friends.

"So, what exactly can you do?" Willow asked, "I already saw the... red... eye... thing, but what else?"

"Well, I can fly, I have superspeed, super strength, super hearing-" Just as she said that, her hearing picked up something, "Someone is coming."

"What? Who?" Willow asked.

"I don't know, I've only met you and that group." Luz said, "Just stay behind me."

Suddenly, a kid, a little younger than Luz came out wearing a light blue uniform.

"Oh Gus!" Willow said with a smile.

"You know him?" Luz asked her, no longer on guard.

"He's my friend." Willow said, "Gus, I want to introduce you to Luz."

"Round ears." Gus mumbled, pointing to Luz's ears. "She has round ears."

"Yeah, and?" Luz asked in confusion.

"Gus has a think about human culture. He just loves everything about it, so seeing a human right before him must-"

"This is the greatest day of my life!" Gus said with excitement!

Luz was then bombarded with questions. She could answer all of them easy but seeing Gus so excited and curious about her made Luz wonder if she was just like this to her father after she was old enough to understand and learn about her Kryptonian heritage. This time, it was Willow that asked a question.

"What's your dad like?"

That question got to Luz, she was often times made fun of because she was the product of a one night stand. Luz always tried to not let it get to her, as her dad was happy with Lois, and she also got along with her.

"My dad is.....a really great guy." Luz said with a smile.

"Yeah but... you said he's an Alien and it gave you your powers." Willow said, "I was wondering about him."

"Yeah, that's a whole other thing. Last of Kryptonians before I was born, and it turns out a yellow sun gives us powers." Luz said as she pointed to the yellow sun of the demon realm.

"What kind of powers?" Gus asked, excited to learn about Kryptonians since they also had round ears.

"Superhuman strength and speed, near-invulnerability, flight, super breath, heat vision, X-ray vision, telescopic/microscopic vision, super hearing." Luz said, "And I have all them as well."

Gus and Willow dropped their jaws at how powerful Luz and her father were!

'I don't want to say it but Luz and her dad could be more powerful than Emperor Belos, even if they don't know magic.' She thought.

"So... yeah, what about you two?" Luz asked, "What magic can you guys do?"

"Oh, well if you can't tell by our school uniforms, I'm in the abomination track at school." Willow said, gesturing to her clothes.

"But she's much better at plant magic." Gus said before Willow elbowed his arm. "Ouch. And I am amazing at illusion magic."

"Oh... I have no idea what either of those are." Luz said.

'Not even from talking with Zatanna a few times when dad brought me to the justice league.' Luz thought before Gus and Willow explained things.

"Well, Abominations are creatures made out of goo." Willow said, "And Illusions are... just what they sound like."

"Uh huh, and plant magic?" Luz asked them.

"The the ability to summon and manipulate plants but I shouldn't be doing it." Willow said, looking away.

"Why not? It seems like you're a lot happier with plant magic." Luz said to her.

"We aren't meant to mix magic." Willow said.

"Why?" Luz asked as they arrived at the owl house.

"Because Emperor Belos has told us that the Titan's will is that we use magic properly." Willow said before the front door was slammed open!

"Lies!" Eda shouted to the children!

"Eda." Luz said, covering her ears.

"Sorry, kid but I can't stand by and let young minds be filled with lies." Eda said as she walked up to them.

"Lies? What lies exactly?" Luz asked as her sensitive ears were a bit better.

"Lies about this coven system!" Eda said as she looked towards Gus and Willow. "You think this coven system is meant to bring order but you're really just taking away your magical independence for a crooked system."

"Yeah, I would really like to know more about the government here." Luz said.

"Gladly." Eda said as she guided Luz inside of the house.

"From BOTH view points, Eda." Luz said as she looked to Gus and Willow, wanting them to come inside.

Willow and Gus followed her inside. Within the range of about 10 minutes and all three of them helping explain, Luz was giving a pretty good understanding of the magic system and basic government that reigned over the boiling isles. Honestly... she wasn't to big a fan of the laws here, they seemed like a dictatorship, but she figured if she didn't mess with them, then the government wouldn't mess with her... little did she know. At the Emperor's Castle, the remains of the portal that the Owl Lady destroyed the year prior had been collected.

"Finally, it's almost time for everything to begin." Belos said, "It's a shame that the power source managed to escape our grasp, but now that she's here, nothing can stop us... Mr. Darkseid."

"Yes, while not Superman, she should be just as powerful." Darkseid said.

"I should hope so. If what you told me about this "Superman" is truly, then this girl is essentially a goddess in the making." Belos said as he rubbed his chin under his mask.

"But like her father, her greatest weaknesses are her conscience and morality." Darkseid said.

"As well as you're new staff."

Darksied pulled out a staff for Belos, almost identical as his old one, but this one had a green orb instead of a red one.

"The top of your staff is made from the one thing that can truly hurt her. Kryptonite." He said.

"Excellent." Belos said as he took the staff from Darksied, feeling the power was different from his normal staff.

It was more powerful and it made him anticipated to use it.

"Guards, begin putting the portal together." Belos said, "If all goes well, we should have it done by the end of the month."

"Yes sir!" The guards said as they rushed out of the room.

"As for the girl, I will have two of my best coven members on the look out for her." Belos said to Darkseid.

"Guards, bring me Lilith and the Golden Guard." Belos said.

The guards nodded to him as they went off to get them as Darkseid looked over the city of Bonesborough, all of those citizens with such power at their literal finger tips. Power Belos keeps on a leash with his silver tongue.

"When this is over my friend, this world will be yours." Belos said, "As long as you keep up your end of the deal."

"I will. I gain this dimension, and I help you remove all magical beings from earth." Darkseid said.

"Excellent." Belos said with a nod, smiling under his mask.

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