Ch. 23: Rescue

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At the castle, Luz began to stir. She groaned and looked around, seeing that her wrists were lock... using Kryptonite restraints. She tried to pulled herself free but like always, the kryptonite weakened her and she couldn't budge an inch.

"Comfy?" A voice called out.

Luz looked forward and saw blue eyes glowing in the shadow, moving closer to reveal Emperor Belos with his staff in hand.

"When I get out of here, I'm going-"

Belos pointed his staff at her and it began glowing. Luz got even weaker at the kryptonite tipped staff. After a few minutes of suffering, Belos pulled the staff away.

"Now that you're done with your little spit of defiance. Let me explain how this is going to work." Belos said, "The device you're attached to will funnel magic into you, and then that, and your natural energy, will help charge the portal."

"You little-"

"Maybe a demonstration is in order."

Belos began the device and magic funneled into Luz, before tubes going to the portal were filled with magic and energy. Luz let out a blood curdling scream. Her screams echoed through the halls, alarming every coven member inside and every being outside for miles around. Lilith heard the scream, and looked at Batman, who held a stoic face. Still, if his shaking hands were anything to go by, he was furious.

"Faster." Batman said, flying with Lilith on her staff.

"Right away." Lilith replied as she forced her staff to fly them faster to the coven castle.

"I don't know how you're going to get through the castle, it's most likely covered in guards now." Lilith said.

"Don't worry about me." Batman said, "I've fought every crime lord and maniac in Gotham, a few soldiers don't scare me."

Lilith gulped nervously at this, nodding to Batman as she landed them on the roof of the coven. Not surprising, there were already a couple of Guards there. Batman got of the staff and walked up to them. Grabbing them by the neck and lifting them up.

"You're going to tell me where your leader is hiding Luz or so help me, I will feed you to Killer Croc." Batman said.

"W-Who?" A guard asked as he was being chocked.

"Do what he says, gentlemen. Or else you will be in a world of pain." Lilith warned them, "He took out the seven deadly soldiers by himself in less than two minutes."

"W-What?!" One asked, shocked an afraid.

"And I'll do worse to you two unless you tell me what I want to know." Batman said before moving to dangle them over the edge. "Where is your leader?"

"H-h-he's in the Throne Room!" One said, "That's all we know!"

"Hmmm." Batman let out as he looked to Lilith.

"I know the way. I also know a secret passageway if you want to take him by surprise." Lilith said to him.

Batman knocked the two out and dropped them on the roof.

"Show me this secret entrance." Batman said, "And work on getting this type of information to the public. If any leader is fine torturing and possibly killing a child, the people need to know."

Lilith nodded to him and began leading Batman to the secret entrance, hearing another one of Luz's screams along the way.

'Luz, please hang out.' Lilith thought, wanting to apologize and thank her for helping her see the light.

In the throne room, Luz was in pain, as her skin actually began to burn from the magic.

"Aaaaaaah! Aaaaaah!" Luz screamed, still struggling to break free.

"Oh, there's no reason to act like that, after all... you're helping, isn't that what heroes do?" Belos asked.

"Aaaaah! What do you....know of being a hero?!" Luz shouted at him.

"More than you could possibly know, child." Belos said to her. "I would tell you my story but...I don't think we have the time."

"At least... you don't." Belos said, before hearing something, "What's that sound?"

Luz heard the high pitched sound and smiled weakly.

"Back up."

Suddenly dozens of bats flew in from the rafters, flying around and making Belos have to swat them away. They flew to the other side of the room and Belos looked at Luz.

"That was your plan? Bats?"

"No... not those bats... THAT Bat."

The lights shut off sending the room into darkness, with only one light near the bats. Belos looked and saw a tall dark figure standing in the bat swarm.

"Guh!" Belos let out, genuine scared and surprised. "Who are you?!"

"Your worst nightmare." Batman said as he began walking towards Belos.

"You are-"

Batman didn't let him finish, he just threw a Batarang at Belos. The Batarang exploded and made a bright flash, blinding Belos.

"Aaah!" He shouted from the light!

As he was recovering, Batman rushed and slapped his staff away! He then delivered a strong punch to Belos stomach.

"Ugh!" Belos grunted before Batman pushed him in the mask! "Ugh!"

As Batman fought Belos in hand to hand, Lilith flew down to Luz to try and free her.


"You can yell at me later." Lilith said, pulling the lever to shut off the machine.

"The... green... restraints destroy them." Luz said.

Lilith nodded as she looked at the glowing restraints.

'So that is the kryptonite.' Lilith thought as she spun her staff and fired four lightning bolts, destroying each restraint.

Luz fell from the device before Lilith caught her in her arms.

"I've got you....and I'm sorry for being such a blind fool." Lilith said to Luz.

"We can talk about that later." Luz said, still feeling weak, "Get me out of here."

Lilith nodded to her and got on her staff, flying out of the room as fast as she could. Batman saw this and decided it was time to leave, pulling out a smoke bomb and throwing it to the ground! He fired his grappling hook at Lilith's staff and was flown out. Belos watched them leave before pulling out a communication device.

"Darksied... follow them."

"Very well." Darkseid said, watching Lilith and...Batman retreating.

'It would seem the Justice League has found this planet, this will be problematic.' Darkseid thought.

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