~ The Fashion Disgrace ~

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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

After being rounded up by the Riddler's henchpeople, Chloe and I looked at each other bored while Stephanie seemed to be panicking. 'Just one day of no drama, no sheep ruining my day, no person freaking out, no training or life treating scenario. Just one day, but nooo. The universe just .... WHAT THE HELL IS HE WEARING?!?!'

"Riddle me this? Give us all your money and I may let you leave with your pathetic uneducated lives." The Riddler taunts making my temper rise even more. "Mari, don't." Chloe whisper-beggs next to me seeing my pissed expression. "Cough it up, brat!" The Riddler demands as he grabs a little boy out of his mother's arms. 'Oh, hell no!' "Please let my son go! This is all the money I have. Please!" The mother pleads as son and mother reach toward each other making Riddler laugh like a manic.

"Uneducated? Please. With an outfit like that? You're the uneducated, uncultured asshole in this scenario." I sarcastically say loudly, drawing his attention and making him drop the little boy. "What did you just say?" Riddler demands as he walks menacingly towards me, well tries to. To me, it looked more like he needed the restroom urgently. "You heard me, coleslaw. And while I'm at it. What is with that hideous, so last season, I won't be caught dead, circus outfit? It's not even scary! It's just plain sad that that is your oh-so-terrifying villain costume. Are you for real or is today just a bad costume day?" I continue to taunt while getting to my feet and staring The Riddler down.

"What do we have here? Someone brave or someone stupid? Hmm." Riddler muses before signaling for his henchmen to grab me. Expecting the motion, I do a backflip causing the two henchmen to knock each other out. Standing straight once more, I mockingly examine my nails before looking Riddler in the eye. "I'll tell you what, coleslaw. Since your name is The Riddler, so not a scary name by the way, and your signature move is asking riddles let's play a game. For each riddle you ask and I get right, you release a hostage and for each riddle I ask and you get wrong, your little hence people shoo away. Deal?" I state with a raised eyebrow while watching his face turn purple from anger.

"What makes you think you have any power here?" Riddler angrily demands, as his henchmen surround me. "First off, I know a lot, like a LOT-a lot, of self-defense so your little henchpeople will only serve as a warmup and a lot of broken bones for them. Since you don't look like someone who fights and only relies on his henchpeople, this should be more entertaining. Now, going once?" I state in a bored tone, vaguely hearing Chloe sigh with a curse. "You, you ..." Riddler starts to say. "Going twice?" I ask again making him flustered. "Going ..." I start only for him to shout, "Fine! Deal!" while stumping his foot like a toddler.

"Great! Now since it was my idea you can start." I say with an innocent smile, seeing Chloe shake her head at me from the corner of my eye. "Your funeral," Riddler says, with a smirk.

(A/N: R stands for Riddler, M stands for Marinette. This is just in case anyone gets confused. Got these riddles from the internet by the way!)

R: I speak without a mouth and I hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?

M: An echo.

Smiling at the Riddler, I wait for him to release the hostage before asking my riddle. Sending Chloe a smug smile, only to get an eye roll from her, as I watch the first hostage leave the mall.

M: You measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring. I'm quick when I'm thin and slow when I'm fat. The wind is my enemy.

R: A book!

"Nope. A candle. Bye-bye henceperson." I sing with a smug smile as I watch The Riddler send a henchperson away. 'O, this is going to be fun.' I gleefully think as a wicked smile forms on my lips.

R: I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?

M: A map. You might wanna up your game a bit coleslaw.

With a huff, I watch the Riddler let another hostage go. "Your turn brat." Riddler snarks, taking a seat that his henchmen brought for him.

M: What is seen in the middle of March and April that can't be seen at the beginning or end of either month?

R: The letter "R"

"Aww. Bad luck, little girl." Riddler smugly cheers, making me smirk. "True, true. I set the bar so low for you since you seemed to struggle." I taunt him, making him go red in the face again. And so on and on we went, me answering all his riddles right and him answering most of my riddles wrong. Granted I asked easy riddles every now and then to make him mess up and huff like a 5-year-old. What? It's fun! Plus, I don't think my spontaneous bad criticism of his outfit helped him concentrate but I was so bored since his riddles were just so easy. I mean, Chloe could do better and she hates riddles!

After about 30 minutes, which felt like months, only Chloe and I were left with Stephanie being the hostage that was released last. The Riddler only had two goons left and he had a purple face again from my last comment on his riddicoulouse outfit. "My turn brat!" Riddler yelled, stalking up to me like he had an evil idea that would work. Like, please. This is just sad at this point. "Fine, fine. Ask away coleslaw." I say in a bored tone, adding a fake jawn just to tick him off further.

Before he could even ask his riddle, a smoke bomb went off and covered the entire area in white gas. Once it cleared, Chloe stood on my left with a bored look while examining her nails. Across from us, Batman had Riddler in cuffs while Nightwing and Red Hood tied up the two remaining goons. "Are you alright miss?" Red Robin asked us as he walked toward us looking all mysterious and cocky. Raising an eyebrow at him, I turned to Chloe with a 'Is he for real?' expression which she mimicked.

"Miss?" Batman now asked as the Bat-team walked over to us. "We're fine Baty." Chloe said, waving them off before linking her arm with mine. "Jip. You lot really need to work on your speed when coming to someone's rescue. This was just sloppy and slow at best. I only had two riddles left before I defeated your villain for you. I mean really? Maybe you guys should do more cardio?" I suggest, leaving a stunned Batman and Bat-team at the end of my speech, before walking out of the mall with Chloe. 

"We need to find Stephanie and then I really want lunch. Bloody fashion nightmare got in the way of our precious, delicious food." I whine, making Chloe go into a laughing fit as we walked past the police like it was a normal day.

Un-know to us, Orical was laughing so hard that tears were streaming down her face, while Batgirl and Robin who were on the roof of the next building as back-up smirked at the witty bluenette.

Edit: 2024/10

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Edit: 2024/10

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