Chapter 8: The Twins

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Tink peered into the glass jar that held the dwindling remnants of her pixie dust. Concern marked her tone as she muttered, "I'm not sure, Peter. Maybe five or six more. And if we want any chance, we'll need more than that."

Perched atop the Hangman's Tree, nestled in Tinker Bell's dwelling, Peter and Tink huddled together, deep in conversation. Peter's tone carried conviction as he said, "These boys are formidable. I think we can take them."

Worry lines formed on Tink's forehead as she shook her head in disagreement. Her voice was barely above a whisper as she said, "She has an entire army of pixies and sprites, Peter. And who knows what other Never-creatures she's got up there. No, we must be overprepared, far beyond what we think we'll need."

Peter gazed skyward, deep in thought, pondering Tink's words. After a moment, he responded, "Alright, alright. Have you some boys in mind?"

A smirk played on Tink's face as she lit up with excitement. "I have," she exclaimed. "The Twins. Oh, Peter, just wait until you see what they can do."

. . .

While they are historically fabled as "The Twins", Daniel and Nathan Smith were, in fact, part of a trio. However, Peter and Tink had no intention of snatching a little girl to join the battle for Neverland, so poor Megan was left behind, sobbing, as her brothers took off into the sky.

Unbeknownst to Peter and Tink, Megan Smith's powers would one day surpass their wildest imagination. Had they foreseen what young Megan would become, they likely would have brought her along.

The policeman's voice shattered Meg's dazed state, redirecting her attention back from the whispered conversations between her parents and another officer. Her mother had become a hysterical mess, and she could feel herself succumbing to the same emotions.

"Now, can you describe what he was wearing, sweetheart?" the officer inquired, his tone gentle despite the seriousness of the situation.

Meg struggled to compose herself, wiping away tears. "Leaves. He was wearing leaves," she managed to choke out, her voice barely audible.

The officer's eyebrows lifted in surprise at her response, but quickly regained his composure. "That's good. Can you remember anything else? Why don't you start from the beginning?" he suggested.

Meg's mind raced as she tried to piece together the events of the day. The sky was clear and blue, the air crisp and cool, and the few leaves left on the trees rustled in the gentle breeze. As Meg recounted the sequence of events, she couldn't shake the feeling that it was all a dream. However, the fear plastered on the faces of her parents was all too real.

In the dimness of the woods, Daniel, Nathan, and Megan had sprinted, their breaths coming in rapid gasps. Alongside thirty other children, they had been invited to the annual birthday celebration of Richard Wellings in Rosedale—a grand affair full of clowns, treats, and games.

As dusk settled over the sky, the group had gathered around a roaring fire, enjoying s'mores, and sharing tales. It was a brief moment of tranquillity before Richard spoke up, his eyes twinkling wickedly, "Let's play hide and seek!"

The parents exchanged uneasy glances, fully aware of the dangers of a horde of unsupervised children frolicking in the darkness. But Richard was unaccustomed to hearing the word 'no', and after relentless pleas, the adults reluctantly agreed to a single game of hide and seek.

When the seeker was chosen, the children took off in every direction eager to find the perfect hiding spot. Much to the dismay of the parents, a bunch of kids vaulted over the rear fence and vanished into the trees. Mr. Wellings issued a warning, "Stay out of the woods!" It was too late, however; the children whether oblivious to his words or intentionally defiant, let their laughter drift away into the darkening woods.

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