Chapter 14: Arrival of the Infamous

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Lady Bell and Dr. James Jones floated through the crisp evening air, their glowing silhouettes appearing against the backdrop of the darkening sky. Queen Lady perched in the doctor's shirt pocket, her magic intertwining through him, granting them a synchronized flight. As they glided over the vast expanse of the sea, curiosity gnawed at Dr. Jones, compelling him to break the tranquil silence.

"So, he's a Lord?" Dr. Jones spoke up, his voice piercing the serene atmosphere.

Lady Bell nodded, her expression grave as her gaze swept over the endless ocean beneath them. "He is the Lord of Neverland, but that title doesn't give him governance over the land," she explained.

"Sounds like it does," James chuckled, stealing a glance at the pixie nestled in his pocket.

"It's a title that signifies his duty," Lady Bell continued, her tone imbued with deep emotion. "He bears a grim responsibility and wields great power because of it."

Intrigued by the mention of power, Dr. Jones inquired further. "What responsibility?" he probed.

"Peter, as the Pan Lord of Neverland, bares a heavy burden but it's an essential responsibility," Lady Bell replied, her words carrying a weight that hung thick in the air. "He must guide the souls of departed children halfway to the Otherside."

A sombre veil enveloped their flight as Lady Bell's words sank in. Even amidst the wondrous beauty of Neverland, the gravity of its purpose loomed.

"That's a terrible duty indeed," Dr. Jones mused, "Has Peter always held this role?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"No, there have been many others, dating back to long before my time." Lady Bell revealed, her voice tinged with sorrow. "Before Peter, there was a Lord who fell under the corrupting influence of a malevolent group of sprites."

"Man fairies," Dr. Jones interjected, seeking confirmation of an earlier explanation. "Yes, but James, fairies don't have genders," Lady Bell gently corrected. "It's only in human languages that we need to designate male and female. So, for the sake of your gender-constrained mind, yes, 'man fairies'."

A smile tugged at James' lips, appreciating Lady Bell's playful banter amidst the weighty matters being discussed. In their few hours of flight together, they'd forged a fast friendship, enjoying each other's unique perspectives.

Eager to learn more about Neverland's mysterious past, Dr. Jones leaned closer to his tiny companion. "I apologize. Please, continue with the tale, my winged friend," he urged, with a hint of excitement.

Lady Bell cleared her throat before resuming. "His name was Nirian—a sweet boy really. He was corrupted by the fairies he bonded with," she revealed.

"Sounds similar to what you've told of Peter and Tinker Bell," Dr. Jones interjected, his insatiable curiosity getting the better of him.

Lady Bell shot him a scolding glance, her emerald eyes flashing, and her tone, heavy with emotion, retaliated, "It's not the same. Peter and Tink are merely acting childish."

She staunchly defended them, but memories of the night Peter and his Lost Boys rescued Tink flooded her mind, enveloping her in a wave of apprehension and grief. For now, she decided to withhold this part of the story from Dr. Jones. "It's different, okay? But we must stop them before they go any further."

Curiosity and concern etched on his face, James posed the question, "So, how do we stop Peter then?"

Lady Bell's conviction shone through as she replied, "We'll need to weaken his abilities first, and for that, we'll need your son."

Perplexed, Dr. Jones queried, "My son? How can Roger help us?"

"In Neverland, imagination is the ultimate source of power," Lady Bell explained, with certainty. "Most children possess a strong imagination and are capable of great things there. However, Peter and Tink have assembled a specific group of boys—ones with an above-average IUL."

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