Chapter 25: The Funeral

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Thump's lifeless body lay sprawled on the expansive table at the heart of the Hangman's Tree. The Lost Boys, heavy with grief, gathered around, their heads bowed in sorrow. Cheddar, overwhelmed by inconsolable sobs, murmured desperate pleas for his fathers. The tragic loss of his beloved cousin had triggered vivid memories of his distant home, stirring up emotions that Peter and Tink had hoped would remain dormant.

Slightly and Curly encircled Cheddar with their comforting arms, witnessing the tumultuous storm of emotions engulfing the young boy. He oscillated between profound grief, seething rage, and irrational denial. Those who have experienced the sudden loss of a loved one would understand the depth of anguish consuming young Cheddar and the validity of his disbelief in the grim reality before him. However, the older boys, still children in their own right, struggled to navigate such profound suffering. They, too, grappled with their own tender hearts and fragile spirits.

Axel, Tootles, and the Twins stood silently and solemnly near the table, paying homage to their departed brother. Deep sadness swelled within their hearts, yet they restrained their tears, allowing Cheddar to express the emotion of the collective anguish.

Meanwhile, Tink hovered above the motionless form of the boy, consumed by wordless dread. The weight of guilt pressed heavily upon her delicate shoulders, for she alone among the denizens of the tree understood the dreadful truth that awaited a child who met his end in the realm of Neverland.

In the clearing outside the bedlam tree, its gnarled branches stretching overhead, Peter, Nibs, and Sidewing engaged in a solemn conversation, the weight of recent events hanging in the air. Peter, his contemplative gaze fixed on the distance, pressed his brow against his thumb and forefinger, lost in thought. He had carefully listened to both sides of the tale, the words still echoing in his mind. Standing beside him, Sidewing and Nibs wore stoic expressions, each carried the burden of guilt, grappling with the devastating role they had played in this tragic twist of fate. As they awaited Peter's judgment, they braced themselves for the inevitable consequences, their hearts heavy with remorse.

"I have turned a blind eye to whatever has been festering between you two for far too long," Peter declared, lifting his head to meet their gaze. "And now, look at the consequences of my inaction!" His voice surged with anger, flushing his face crimson before settling back to its usual hue.

Sidewing and Nibs perked up, caught off guard by the intensity of Peter's fury. It was a rare sight to witness their leader's emotions getting the better of him, for Peter was known for his unbending composure and sound judgment. Sidewing glanced at Nibs, who returned the look with a mixture of guilt and acknowledgment. They both understood that Nibs bore responsibility for leading the boys to the treacherous cove, while Sidewing was at fault for not accompanying them to ensure their safety.

"I should banish both of you," Peter continued, his voice now calm but firm, "but such action would only further harm our wounded group. Instead, you must end this feud here and now, before we lose anyone else to this quarrel. Understood?"

"Aye, Captain," the two boys responded in unison, their voices carrying newfound determination. As their eyes locked, a profound realization washed over them, revealing the transformations that had taken place within. They saw reflections of their former selves, but something had shifted. Though a subtle trace of animosity remained, the deep-seated hatred that had festered over the years had dissipated, replaced now by a flicker of understanding and perhaps even friendship.

"Leave me now. Send out Tinker Bell," Peter commanded, his tone brooking no argument.

In the sun-dappled clearing, Peter stood with a once-vibrant spirit now clouded by guilt and unbridled fury, threatening to rupture his cool and collected demeanour. He shouldered the weight of Thump's untimely demise as the leader and captain of their band. Amidst the anguish, a lingering question gnawed at his core—an enigma he feared he already held the answer to. Seeking confirmation, he knew only Tink could provide it.

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