Chapter 26: The End of the Beginning

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Captain Hook sat by the crackling campfire at the mouth of the foreboding cavern, his expression sombre. Despite the time since his treacherous encounter with the relentless giant crocodile, the haunting ticking sound persisted in his mind like an unwelcome symphony. Anxiously, his eyes darted from side to side, casting wary glances over his shoulder into the unfathomable darkness of the cavern. He remained on guard, convinced that a lurking presence loomed just beyond the reach of the flickering flames.

Emerging from the realm of rubbish, a heavy silence settled upon them. Lady Bell swiftly tended to James' injury with the utmost care, ensuring no trace of festering would mar his flesh. Instructing him to stay in the cove, she embarked on a mission to confer with the fairy council. Several days had passed since then, and Captain Hook could feel the insidious grip of forgetfulness that permeated Neverland, beckoning him back into its mystical embrace.

During the time Lady Bell was away, Captain Hook found solace in reminiscing about Roger and Lilith. When he was near the royal pixie, the memories felt as fresh as if they had just occurred. Sitting by the warm fire, just as he did now, he'd pondered the events that took place in the depths of the cave. Vividly he remembered seeing his son during the battle, flying around like a seasoned professional in a sleek red and black shimmering outfit. The thought of his boy thriving in this magical place brought a small ray of hope to the grim situation. However, the insatiable Captain Hook still thirsted for the blood of Peter Pan, not as instinctually as the crocodile craved his own, but with a similar, near-animalistic determination.

As Lady Bell embarked on her mission and Captain Hook found himself immersed in his thoughts, his mind reverted to the cunning persona of the legendary pirate. Within the shelter of the cave, he began to strategize, his restless footsteps echoing through the chamber. Unbeknownst to him, there were unseen ears that caught his every word.

"We shall require a ship, a vessel befitting a grand pursuit," he mused aloud, his voice reverberating off the cave walls. "And a crew, for what good is a ship without a loyal band of scoundrels to man it?" Lost in contemplation, he continued his measured steps, consumed by his own musings. "But where to find such a crew, blast it all! James, my boy, start small. Seek a worthy comrade first, then a ship, and from there, assemble the rest of the crew. Only then shall we set our sights on that conniving Peter Pan," Captain Hook declared with unwavering determination, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

. . .

While Captain Hook paced in thought by the crackling fire in the southern cove, the dancing flames casting flickering shadows upon his stern features and twirled mustache, Lady Bell, brimming with hope, convened with the members of the fairy council. They gathered in the chamber adorned with shimmering crystals and regal tapestries, eagerly awaiting her arrival to hear the profound revelations she had gleaned from her encounters with the wood nymphs and the mystical phoenix flower.

After the Queen delivered the news, the council members remained stoic, their expressions frozen in stone as the weighty revelation reverberated in the chamber. A profound silence settled, gripping their hearts with anticipation. All eyes turned towards Thoth Sage, the respected figure of the old Soothsayer, who exuded an aura of wisdom and mystique. His face, etched with the lines of countless years, held the secrets of ages past. Each member yearned for his guidance, their gaze fixed upon him, awaiting his profound insight.

Thoth's face wore a stern and disappointed expression, devoid of shock, unlike the other council members. The wise seer had never experienced astonishment before, and he wouldn't until the end of his days. Not only did he possess the extraordinary ability to foresee the future and delve into the past, but he anticipated all possible scenarios. This outcome had already been foreseen, and while it disappointed him, it did not surprise him.

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