Chapter 24: The Queen's Gambit

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Lady Bell's eyes flew open as the phoenix flower released her from its petals, instantly putting her on edge. Not only had she gained a substantial wealth of knowledge, but she also felt a terrible sense of urgency to return to the man she had brought to the island. Armed with the answers to the dwindling essence of Neverland and countless other questions, she struggled to hold on to the most crucial piece of information as each breath of fresh air threatened to blow it away.

She bid farewell to Mother Meliora and Takari, her mind consumed with thoughts of the impending disaster. The lush green forests and sparkling lakes below her blurred together as she flew faster, determined to ensure Dr. Jones's safety and readiness to face the challenges ahead. A feeling of unease gnawed at her, signalling a sudden and grave turn of events. Time was of the essence, and she needed to act swiftly to protect the gentleman she had brought to this perilous place.

Flying under the cover of the dense canopy of the Neverland woods, Lady Bell couldn't shake the troubling feeling that something was amiss. As she approached the southern cove, she spotted Tinker Bell soaring above the tree line, accompanied by one of the children Peter had taken. Lady Bell remained hidden beneath the leaves, her sharp eyes taking in the scene. The injured child and the grave expressions on their faces made her ponder whether she should follow them to discover what had happened or continue on her current course.

Her decision was made for her when she noticed James' son, Roger, flying behind them, carrying another kidnapped child who appeared shaken to the core. Lady Bell's heart ached for these innocent souls trapped in a twisted game of abduction and revenge.

Momentarily expecting Peter to appear, Lady Bell grew increasingly concerned when he failed to follow his companions. She pressed on towards the cove, her worry intensifying. Had Tinker Bell and the others come from this direction? Something felt terribly wrong.

The thick forest eventually gave way to a rocky beach, and Lady Bell hovered above the cliff that overlooked the mouth of the cave, watching as the waves crashed against the shore. She marvelled at the sturdiness of the pier and the houses, crafted by James himself, standing strong against the fierce winds. Admiration, tinged with a touch of guilt, welled up within her for this resourceful man.

Just as she prepared to descend towards the cove, her concern reached its peak as Peter darted out of the cave like a bat escaping the scorching clutches of Dante's Inferno. In his arms, he cradled a large, round child whose body hung limp and lifeless. Lady Bell's breath caught in her throat, her heart pounding in her chest. The sight pierced her soul, a devastating reminder of the tragic consequences that lurked in Neverland's shadows. Grief washed over her, mingled with a profound sense of responsibility and blame. The weight of the stolen children's lives rested heavily on her shoulders, and the loss of one felt like a devastating blow to her very being. Despite the crushing emotions that threatened to overwhelm her, Lady Bell steeled herself, determined to find James and uncover the truth. She had to understand what had happened and ensure that no more innocent lives were lost in this treacherous realm.

. . .

The crocodile crept through the dense clutter, its eyes gleaming with confusion and malice as it stalked its prey. Captain James Hook moved stealthily through the labyrinth of furniture and trinkets, doing everything in his power to evade the massive prehistoric horror. Thus far, he had successfully eluded its grasp. Unbeknownst to the captain, he possessed a unique Neverpower tucked away in his few remaining imagicules. It allowed him to anticipate his enemies' moves with startling accuracy, giving him an edge in battle by seeing their next move a half-second before it happened. It wasn't enough to completely obliterate his foes, but it provided an advantage in a deadly sword fight or a foot chase.

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