Chapter 12: Into the Kingdom

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Peter surveyed his group of lost boys, their eyes fixed on the table model of Neverland displaying Mount Dust and the fairy kingdom. Excitement and anticipation filled the air as they studied the terrain and planned their next move.

"Does everyone know what they're supposed to do?" Peter's voice rang out, strong and commanding. The boys nodded in unison, their eyes shining with determination.

"Nibs, your task is to lead the boys undercover to this spot," Peter pointed to a section on the map at the base of the mountain, where a natural arbour structure would serve as their meeting point.

The boys murmured their agreement, their faces set with determination. They understood the risks involved but were prepared to do whatever it took to save Tinker Bell. Each of them had become masters of their own Neverweapons and was ready to take on the fairy kingdom.

Tootles spoke up, his tone filled with worry. "Um, Peter, do we all need to go?" he asked nervously.

Axel, who had been instantly jealous of Tootles' towering height, let out a loud guffaw that echoed through the room. Slightly and Curly shot him angry glances, while Nibs stared him down with his usual deadpan expression. Cheddar, one of the more empathetic boys, tried to reassure Tootles.

"Don't be scared, Tootles. We'll be stronger together," he said comfortingly.

Peter nodded in agreement. "Yes, Tootles. The fairies are powerful, and we'll need your strength," he said, his eyes filled with determination.

Nibs, loyal to his friends, clapped Tootles on the shoulder and addressed him directly.

"Don't worry, Toots. I won't let anything happen to you," he said firmly, his gaze filled with disdain for Axel.

Peter stood tall, his hand resting on his hip as he looked over his crew of Lost boys.

"Sidewing and I will scout ahead to ensure you don't encounter any trouble," he declared confidently, gesturing to the map. "Slightly, you bring up the rear and make sure no one is on the back trail."

Slightly responded with a sloppy salute, a silly grin plastered across his face. "Aye, Captain," he replied, his carefree demeanour unwavering.

"But Peter," Rattle interjected, his voice wavering slightly, "the fairies have that enormous wall at the top of the mountain. We don't have any pixie dust left. What are we supposed to do? We can't fly like you."

Muffle chimed in, equally worried. "We can't fly like you," he trailed off. Peter's expression softened as he looked at the two boys, understanding filling his eyes.

"Don't worry, lads," he reassured them. "Once we reach the arbour, I'll reveal the unseen pathway through the mountain into the heart of the kingdom."

. . .

Peter wore a concerned expression as he whispered to Tink outside Hangman's tree, their voices barely audible in the small clearing. It was the night before Tink was set to venture into the fairy kingdom, intending to replenish her pixie dust through illegal means.

"I have a bad feeling about this, Tink," Peter voiced his worries. His appearance was dishevelled, and anxiety weighed on him. "How do you plan to get in without them noticing? And even if you do, how will you escape? I don't know, Tink," his voice trailed off as he contemplated the potential consequences.

Tink fixed her gaze on Peter, her tone grave and urgent, emphasizing the importance of her mission. "Peter, look at me," she demanded gently, her hand tenderly cupping his chin. He met her eyes, captivated by the fierce determination shining within them. "How long have you known me?"

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