Chapter 15: The Fairy Council

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The aftermath of what came to be known as the Lost Boy Invasion had transformed the Fairy Kingdom into an unrecognizable place. Once vibrant streets, adorned with cobblestones and brimming with life, now appeared dimly lit and eerily quiet. It was as if the very magic that had once enchanted the mountain city had vanished with the wind. Walking through the twisting alleys, one couldn't help but notice the buildings, once lively and colourful, reduced to mere patchworked shells of plywood. The bustling market, renowned for selling the finest goods in the land, now stood deserted, its vendors' wares left to gather dust and cobwebs. The laughter and joy that once filled the air as young fairies played their whimsical games had been replaced by sombre expressions and fearful whispers.

In the days following the assault, the fairy homeland, once a beacon of prosperity, became engulfed in grief. The death toll of their kin was staggering, with each passing day bringing news of more lives lost. The kingdom bore the wounds of the attack, wounds that would fester for years to come. The scale of the massacre surpassed anything witnessed since the darkest days of the Fae Revolution, leaving behind scars that may never fully heal.

For two long years, the annual Fae Equilibrium Festival had remained dormant, submerged in sadness and the haunting memories of the carnage. But now, the Fairy Kingdom began to stir, rekindling the magic and hope that had been lost. The festival established many years ago as a demonstration of the bonds between the pixie and sprite kind, was set to erupt once again with a glorious week-long spectacle. From grand feasts to captivating performances, the festivities promised to be as exciting and diverse as the kingdom itself. Jugglers would twirl and flip, while actors breathed life into dramatic tales that tugged at the heartstrings of all who watched. The air crackled with excitement and anticipation, a fitting tribute to the resilience of the fairies.

The people of the kingdom were slowly emerging from the shadows of the tragic events that had transpired. Despite the lingering fear that permeated the air, the citizens had begun to reclaim some semblance of their former joy. Children could once again be seen playing outside, and though their guardians watched them closely from behind the safety of curtains, they allowed them a bit of freedom. The night still carried a breath of danger, but the upcoming festival promised to change that.

The sense of renewal and optimism was evident in passing salutations and casual friendly conversations, signalling the arrival of a refreshing new era. The general mood of the fairies was slowly lifting, and for the first time in a while, a glimmer of hope could be seen in their eyes. However, a looming threat still hung over their heads like a dark cloud. The extortion gambit orchestrated by Tinker Bell and its growing consequences remained a secret known only to the council. They fervently prayed that it would stay that way, for if the truth leaked, it would shatter the kingdom's newfound joy, undoing their hard-won progress.

Lady Bell's wings fluttered gracefully as she soared up the mountain and passed through the great wall's portcullis. The lively bustle of the Equilibrium being assembled filled her heart with bittersweet memories of festivals past. She couldn't help but gaze upon the colourful array of tents being lifted, and the delightful games booths being stocked with plush prizes. Her mind wandered back to the carefree days spent with her late partner, Twinkle Star, as they watched their young Tink gawk with amazement at each new booth she encountered.

Yet, amidst the excitement that surrounded her, a sadness gripped Lady Bell's heart. Each bright tent she flew past served as a reminder of happy moments that were now only memories. A sense of longing for the joyous times that had once enveloped her.

As Lady Bell made her way toward the stronghold of the castle, she knew she needed to refocus. There was an urgent matter she had to discuss with the council, and she couldn't allow her emotions to cloud her judgment. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the memories aside and centred her thoughts on the task at hand.

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