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It was worse than I imagined.

First of all, it didn't even take them the 5-hour flight to have the photos plastered across every new tabloid that Tom Blyth has a secret girlfriend. Wasn't much of a secret now anyway, because they managed to get clear photos of my face that people on Twitter tracked back and found my private Instagram account and saw I worked for Variety.

It felt like my life came crashing down. Maybe a bit melodramatic but it felt like everything I had worked for was no longer mine. The first time we dated, no one knew him so no one cared for who he dated or who he was pictured with. Now, everyone wanted to know and everyone was appalled their favourite actor was dating a journalist.

I mean, I don't blame them. It is a weird arrangement to be dating the woman who interviewed you for your movie and wrote a review about it for the biggest tabloid in pop culture at current, and people definitely made it known how weird they thought the arrangement was.

I heard the water from the shower stop running and immediately shut my laptop and put it back in my work bag. My cheeks felt hot and I could feel the sweat pooling between my eyebrows from furrowing them too hard. I quickly got to work unpacking my bag and trying not to cry over the stupidness of what happened. The door opened to the bathroom and the smell of the hot shower filled my nose, bringing a softness to the room.

"Kiraaaa," Tom whined making me snap my eyes up to him. He was on the other side of the bed, a white towel draped around his waist and a cocky smirk on his face. The teasing in his voice brought a smile to my face and blush spread over my cheeks.

"Yes, Tom?" I smirked, looking away and focusing on the clothes on the bed.

"I'm bored," I rolled my eyes at his childishness.

"And what do you want me to do about that?" I looked over at him, seeing him shrug his shoulders back and drop his towel. I tried to keep my eyes above his hips but I couldn't help a stray glance as he pulled boxers and sweats on. He moved his bag off my bed and threw himself onto the pillow, pulling out his phone and scrolling whilst I finished sorting my dirty clothes.



"You're upset," I shrugged my shoulders, not wanting to make a big deal over all the photos, "I can tell you are."

I said nothing, keeping to myself and not looking at Tom.

"Is it because of the paparazzi?" I continued to hang up my clothes, getting to the last thing from my bag and mentally cursing that I don't have a distraction anymore.

"Kira, I told you that if this will work we need to talk," I looked up and saw Tom's pleading blue eyes and felt my heart melt under his gaze. I nodded.

"This is what scares me," I whispered and Tom's gaze softened, his hand raising to beckon me over to him. I climbed onto the bed and over to him, lying next to him on the bed and leaning into his side.

"Don't be, seriously. Nothing will come of this, nothing that they say matters and it won't change how I feel about you or us. Kira, for your own sake, get out of your head," he chuckled at the end and my body softened into his. My eyes felt heavy, much like Tom's arm that was wrapped tightly around my body and ushered me to sleep.


"Christmas is next week," I spoke to Tom who stood the other side of the kitchen island, pouring a glass of red wine. Tom nodded, sliding a glass to me and sipping the other.

"Are you going to your parent's?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders, sipping at the wine and placing the glass down.

"I'm not sure, Mom hasn't really said anything about it," Tom nodded at my answer, "Are you going back home?"

The question brought silence across the room and I immediately regretted even asking. I felt like the answer I was about the get wasn't going to be the one I wanted and might break my heart a little. Last time he left, we broke up. There was nothing to say it wouldn't be the same this time.

"Uhh, yeah actually I think I am. I was talking to Mum and Dad earlier today. They want me to come home," I felt my heart break and fall to my stomach. I didn't let it show, just sipping at my wine and throwing a nod to Tom, who was fidgeting in his place.

The silence was tense and uncomfortable, us both knowing exactly why it caused such an uncomfortable atmosphere and neither of us wanting to be the one to address it.

"It won't be like last time Kira, I promise," he whispered, his blue eyes staring at me and not letting me break eye contact. I wanted to feel warm and believe what he was saying, but fear got in the way.

"Promise?" I whispered back and watched him push himself off the counter and walk around, coming face to face with me, his hands on my waist and pulling me close. He placed a kiss to the top of my head and pulled me into a warm embrace, his head dropping to the crook of my neck.

"Promise." He whispered in my ear.

He pulled back, planting another kiss to the top of my head before one to my lips, firm and passionate and full of promise that it wouldn't be the last one.

We took our glasses of wine and the cheese board I had put together earlier that day over to the couch, sitting either end and putting on the TV to create noise in the background as we ate and drank.

"When do you leave?" I asked, mentally preparing for his response.

"Probably Thursday? I think, it all depends on flights. I'll probably stay for 2 weeks before coming bacl" he shrugged his shoulders and I nodded with him. Our office was shut until the new year, meaning I could spend the week with Tom before he went and not be pushed for time, "We can do our own little Christmas before I go?"

I smiled brightly at his suggestion and nodded furiously, planting a kiss on his lips and cuddling into his side, making the most of the time before he left and not letting the fears and anxieties of it all get in the way.

now that we don't talk [tom blyth]Where stories live. Discover now