0 - From the start

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From the start

Hello my love

I hope you're sitting comfortably on the beach gazing at the setting sun with the sound of waves hitting the shore and the chirping of seagulls can be heard in the background as you read this letter. I'm Angela Jackson as you know and I'm demigod. What does that mean? From my mom's stories I would say it's someone who is not completely normal but not in the sense of having something wrong with their head, let's just say I'm not completely human. Im half god and if you think you would like to be like me I tell you right now that, no you wouldn't, believe me. Everything I am going to tell you now although it will be very hard for you to believe it really happened. Every character I'm going to tell you about is either a real person or a monster I had to fight to survive this long. And it may sound strange now, but I will explain everything later.

Oh gods I sounded like my brother. Let's start from the beginning.


I was born on the seventh of March in a small house on the seashore. From the stories my mother, Sally Jackson told me, my dad was practically all the time with me and my mother until I turned three then he disappeared. He no longer appeared out of nowhere and my mother and I moved to the city, New York to be exact.

There she met Gabe Ugliano, who very quickly moved in with us. He and mom argued very often, sometimes Gabe would hit mom because he didn't like something. Especially when it was raining and I was sitting on the balcony, because when I was sitting there like that I felt like I was getting the warmest hug I hadn't had in many years.

Every time I went inside after that Gabe would start yelling at me that I was messing up the wooden floors and that how can I behave like a spoiled brat, that I was only doing it to be sick so that all the attention would be on me, every time that happened I started crying. When my mom came home from work she found me in my room crying and she knew exactly what had happened, so first she calmed me down and put me to sleep and then she started screaming and arguing with Gabe, waking me from my sleep in the process.

This went on for a little over a year, after which my mother broke up with Gabe and went with me on a three-month vacation to another small house by the sea. After a few days, someone knocked on the door and when mom opened it, none other than my dad was standing there.

Those three months were the best I've had since the year of living in terror Gabe created. Finally, as a five-year-old, I had my mom and dad together in one place. We were really happy, I've never seen my mother smile as much as she did then, but everything must end and as if I had sensed it day before my dad disappeared, I gave him my teddy bear called Lucky to remember me. Next day when I woke up, my dad was nowhere to be found, just as he appeared, he disappeared and my mom said we were going back to New York.

A month after returning, my mother announced that she and Gabe were together again. I remember it was the first time I cried so much I couldn't breathe. That day, my mother promised me that we would go to this small house by the sea without Gabe from time to time. The day Gabe came back to our house was one of the worst days of my life.

About eight months after these events, my brother Percy, Percy Jackson, was born. My mom told Gabe that Percy was my dad's son and not his. Which made him very angry and he started shouting at my mother as soon as she managed to put my brother into the crib after returning home from the hospital.

All this shouting, beating and arguing continued for the next seven years I lived there. Whenever I could, because I wasn't at school at the moment and all this shit was happening, I took Percy to my room cause it was the furthest room from the living room where they usually fought.

During all this crap I had my own problems seeing monsters, creatures was not really normal. Plus adhd and dyslexia since I can remember didn't help either. When you tell someone you see a flying horse or other creatures they normally start laughing at you. It was like that until I met Larysa Green.

She was the only one who wouldn't laugh at me. I came home on weekends, holidays and vacations so I was mostly at school, so me and Larysa became best friends really fast. Larysa was my safe haven at school everyone else disliked me, bullied me and laughed at me behind my back because I was "special".

Everyone was bullying her too but since we become friends I tried to make them leave her alone cause she was like the sun after a storm, like a shot off esspreso in the morning, she was all the best things in a human being, she was helpful, straightforward but honest and genuine. If there is such a thing as a platonic soulmate then she was my other half.

And in all of that there was Percy who also saw what I saw only less than me and shorter time than me. Every time I saw him we would talk about it, he didn't have it easy either but he tried with all his might like me.

Thank you so much for choosing my fanfic. Hope you like it so far.

Love you A.

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