2 - Mom

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Mom hugged me as soon as she got out of the car, after a while she looked at me.

"Is something wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost?" she asked in a worried voice.

"umm..." I didn't know what to say because how do I tell her that one of the monsters she told me stories about just attacked me and that I think I killed it? I know she won't laugh at me and that she won't look at me different but I don't want her to tell me again that I'm special and that it's all in my head especially since I know Larysa saw it too. Wait Larysa saw it too, but how? I unintentionally looked at her with a puzzled face.

"Lary, how come you saw it too?" I asked even though I wasn't planning to bring up the subject in front of my mother.

"What did you saw?" my mom asked.

Before I could get anything out of my mouth Larysa spoke up.

"We have to go there today Mrs. Jackson, we don't have much time," she said in a very serious tone.

"I don't understand. What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Do you have all your things?" mom asked in an equally serious tone as Larysa.

"We have," Lary answered for us.

"Than get in the car, now!" I looked at Mom frightened she never used such a serious tone with anyone. What could it be about that she is so serious? Despite my thoughts, I got into the car.

"We'll explain everything to you in a moment, but first take my phone and text Gabe that I'll be back late."

I did exactly what she said, and my mother started the car and we started driving. After a short time, Larysa started talking.

"If Mrs. Jackson-" mom interrupted her "Call me Sally, dear."

"Okay, if you let me Sally I'll tell her most of it and I'll give you a map of where to go?" she asked and my mom nodded her head.

"What are you two talking about?" I asked.

"All the monsters and other creatures Sally told you about are real and you can see them it simply means you are a demigod." I became dumbfounded and asked, " What am I?"

"A flying jellyfish."


"NO. It means that you are a half-blood-"

"Like Voldemort from Harry Potter?"

Larysa said nothing but looked at me with annoyance.

"I'm sorry, I'll shut up now."

"Thank you. Let's go back to what I was saying you're a demigod just like me. My mother is Aphrodite-"

"That's why you're so pretty."

"Thank you but please shut up." I put my hands up as if I were being surrounded. Lary continued on. "You're pissing me off. Gods, monsters and other creatures exist. Sorry Sally but the rest you tell her because I've had enough."

"No problem Larysa. Honey when I met your dad, I met a man in whom everything was perfect, he was well-read, creative he was everything you could imagine the best in a human being-" the storm interrupted her for a moment with large drops of rain.

"Then I realized that he wasn't a man he was a god-".

"Like Jesus?"

"Yes, like Jesus," she said sarcastically.

"So my dad is Jes-" I didn't have time to say anything because my mother parked by the edge of some random woods.

"Honey go with Larysa I have to go now but they will explain the rest to you" with each passing moment I had more and more questions to ask. Who are they? Or why can't mom come with us? And where is Percy anyway?

Before I could ask them my mother hugged me and told me to go. I did exactly that because what else was I supposed to do?

With my things in hand and Larysa beside me, we started walking towards some tree on a hill but before we could climb the hill we heard a roar. I turned to the large minotaur in underpants running towards us. Larysa immediately took my things from my hand and threw them towards the hill. She looked at me and said.

"Prepare your pen"

"You've got to be kidding me. Do you honestly think I'm going to fight this?" I said, pointing at the minotaur.


"Do you want to kill me? Kill us?"

"No just prepare your sword and start fighting with me" She went crazy. Larysa started running at him with her sword. She went completely crazy.But I can't leave her to die like this.

"If I die, it will be your fault" I started running when Larysa heard my voice she started running even faster

"Wait for me!"

Thank you so much for choosing my fanfic. Hope you like it so far.

Our dear Angela will meet Luke in chapter 3 or 4

Love you A.

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