4 - Camp Half-blood

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I sat next to Angela on the armchair which, with a little help from Annabeth, I pulled to the bed on which Angela was lying, holding her hand tears ran down my cheeks. Oh gods I was so afraid when I saw how much blood she was losing.

Thankfully, they managed to stop the bleeding and now I'm just waiting for her to wake up. Why does it have to take so long? It's already one o'clock in the morning and I've been waiting for about six or seven hours, why hasn't she woken up yet?

If it goes on like this, I'll either go crazy or fall asleep. Funny because a few minutes after I thought of this I fell asleep.



My head. Why does my head hurt so much?

As if someone heard my thoughts all my memories from yesterday started to come back to me at once. So it wasn't a dream, my dad for real is some kind of god, I killed a strange demonic thing and a minotaur. And now I'm lying somewhere? I'm lying somewhere and someone carried me here and some strange girl said I was drooling in my sleep.

Frightened, I opened my eyes but except for a sleeping Larysa I didn't see anyone else. Even in her sleep she held my hand tightly.

Despite the pain I smiled she didn't leave me she sat here with me all night. I squeezed her hand to let her know I was awake. Larysa opened her eyes and when she saw that I was awake she smiled and hugged me.

"Don't you ever do that to me again! For a moment I thought you were dead," Larysa practically shouted at me.

"I don't know if I can promise you that I won't do that again, but I'll try," I replied. "Where are we anyway?"

"In the camp half-blood," she answered my question as if I immediately knew exactly what it was.

"Larysa I don't want to be mean, but where the hell are we? Because your whole half-blood camp thing tells me absolutely nothing."

"We are at the place where you will find out who you really are".

"Larysa do I look like some kind of philosopher to you?"


"Then talk to me like a normal human being and not some Aristotelian"

Larysa sighed " Do you think you can walk?"

"I think so"

"Then instead of explaining all this to you I will show you". I looked at her with my eyes wide open. She's nuts if she thinks I'm going to walk after all of this. I just woke up after I fell on a rock and cut my head open and almost died.

"You did realize that I just woke up after I almost died?"

"Yes but you said you could walk, so come on." My best friend went mad. But I got up anyway, put on my shoes and walked with her.

Everything around me looks like it was pulled out of ancient Greece. Columns, roofs, statues, everything looked like I had already seen them in a history book. Before I could enjoy the view even more Larysa pulled me in the complete other direction.

After a short moment of walking, we found ourselves in front of an office of some sort. It had beautiful large windows overlooking the sea. At a desk, table, I don't know, sat some guy but before I could even say hello Larysa whispered in my ear.

"This is Mr. D. D is short for Dionysus."

"Is he-? "I also whispered.

"A god? Yes" Larysa answered me then knocked on the door and went inside. I walked right in after her.

"Mr. D this is Angela Jackson." Larysa said.

"Hello Ann Jasper."

"My name is Angela Jackson not-"

"Yes I know. Chrion! Ann Jasper is here to see you"

Next to Mr. D stands a familiar wheelchair as well as a blanket. Before I could say anything I looked up and saw Mr. Brunner enter through one of the windows that turned out to be a glass door.

"Good morning child. I hope you're feeling better," said Mr. Brunner, Chrion I don't know it's too complicated.

"Good morning Mr-" before I could finish Mr. Brunner interrupted me.

"Call me Chrion, child."

"Good morning Chrion, yes I feel better although I still have a bad headache."

"In that case I recommend you to try swimming, our water has wonderful effects."

" As soon as I have time I will try it".

Suddenly we all heard a sound like someone was throwing up.

"I can't listen to you anymore" said Mr. D.

Chrion sighed and said " Children come with me" Me and Larysa immediately followed him.

During our walk around the entire camp, Chiron explained everything that my mom didn't have time to say before she left. He explained the whole situation with the cabins and claiming by gods but instead of taking me to the one of the cabins where I will now live until my dad claims me, he turned to Larysa and said "Why don't you show her where she will live now, Larysa?"

Larysa didn't say anything, she just nodded. Chrion left and Larysa turned to me.

"Before we go to your cabin, only for the time you're unclaimed, how about I go quickly to mine for something?"

"Sure, go ahead, I'll walk around here. What number is your cabin?"

"Ten, why do you ask?"

"Because I'm trying not to get lost"

"Oh, okay," Larysa said and then went towards one of the cabins.


Once I was done wandering between the cabins, admiring the beauty of the architecture in this place, I started heading towards cabin ten to meet Larysa si she could take me to my cabin.

Still admiring this place that I might call home one day, I bumped into someone. I immediately looked up and saw the most handsome boy I had ever seen. From the way he looked, he was no more than two years older than me, his brown eyes as dark and engaging as a black hole drew me in.

"I'm so sorr-" I wanted to apologize but I was rudely interrupted.

"Watch where you're going, princess," that voice, I recognize it, it was him who said to that strange girl, Annabeth.

But what this attitude is supposed to mean? I'm trying to apologize and be nice and he's an asshole.

"Maybe YOU should watch where you're going, asshole." if you want to be a dick, cool, two can play this game.

"Oh don't get angry with me princess, anger harms beauty"

"Very funny, dumbass," I said and then walked faster towards cabin ten. What an asshole.

Thank you so much for choosing my fanfic. Hope you like it.

Love you A.

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