10 - First Trainig

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What the fuck?

The one thing I didn't want to happen just happened. I'm supposed to train Angela, the girl who almost set someone on fire the last time she trained.

Oh gods what have I done to you?

Other than the fact that I don't get along with my dad, I don't think I've done anything wrong and the fact that I call you guys the worst from time to time.

But who wouldn't do that when they see a five-year-old child being carried into a camp almost dead because some god didn't want to become a parent?

I have to stop thinking about it.

So I looked at her I don't know why but ever since I saw her I can't stop thinking about her and looking for her in the crowd.

It's as if something stronger than me is pulling me towards her.

As soon as I look at her everything around me disappears and turns into nothingness which is the scariest feeling I have ever had because of this I quickly return my eyes to Chrion.

"Well children you can go back to your friends if you understand everything," said Chrion quickly looking at Mr. D. angrily for wanting to get rid of us.

I was the first to speak up, "Everything understood."

As soon as Angela heard my voice she looked as if someone had awakened her from deep thoughts. She was looking at me with those big green eyes and I could feel my breathing getting faster and faster when she was this close to me.

As soon as she noticed how fast I was breathing she looked at me questioningly as if she wanted to know if I was okay then turned back to Chrion.

"All understood," she replied after which she turned to me looking at me one last time before walking out the door.


I don't know what's wrong with me, but when Chrion said Luke was going to train me part of me wanted to start jumping with happiness.

Which ended up with me stopping myself from throwing up at that thought.

Like what the fuck?

I wanted to jump with HAPPINESS because LUKE was going to train me.

And then I almost melted when he looked at me.


What is wrong with me? And if someone says "nothing" I will laugh in your face. Because why do I act like I fancy him when I hate him?


I want to vomit again.


I need to start thinking about something else because I'm really going to throw up.


It doesn't help.


Doesn't help either.


It helped a little but I still think about him.

Just as I was about to start thinking about my mom and Percy I heard footsteps behind me walking towards me. Turning around to see who it was I saw the last person I wanted to see.


You've got perfect timing Idiot.

As soon as I noticed him, I turned the other way and started walking faster still stopping myself from throwing up. But as soon as I did that I heard footsteps behind me also picking up the pace.

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