9 - Promises

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The moment Larysa almost growled at the person behind me and Annabeth, I turned around and saw that idiot. And okay I will agree that I was a little dramatic and overreacted to what he said, like I have known him for a few days now.

The word "know" is too big of a word I don't know him so why did his words hurt so much?

Maybe because I am far away from my only family?

Maybe because I feel like a stranger here?

Or maybe because besides Larysa I have no one here I can trust and for a split second I felt I could trust him?

Or maybe I need to apologize to him, I agree he acted like a dick but I'm not a saint either and I just happened to dump all my bad emotions on him so it's not entirely his fault.

Or maybe I'm just hungry and start talking out of my mind?

My train of thought was interrupted by Annabeth saying something next to me.

"Do you think she will really kill him? And if so, when should I start saving him?" Beth asked me, looking at Larysa who was almost tearing Luke apart. I won't say it was a really nice sight.

"I honestly don't think she's really going to kill him. Maybe he'll come out of it with a few bruises but that's it. And as for the second question you don't have to save him he'll be fine on his own he's already a big boy and if not I'll handle Larysa," I said looking at Beth and every now and then at Larysa and Luke so as not to miss anything.

"You know what you're right he'll be fine-" Beth said calmly knowing that Luke would be fine, but as soon as those words came out of her mouth Luke was lying on the ground and Larysa was standing over him.

"Okay Tiger I think he understood." I said but Larysa wasn't listening and bent down and said something in his ear so I added "Okay Larysa leave him alone understand?"

Only after that she straightened up smiled gave him a hand so he could get up from the floor and approached me with a big smile on her face that was the size of a banana.

"Better?" I asked Larysa.

"Surprisingly yes," she answered me then turned to Luke "And now Luke what do you have to say?" Larysa said with a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry, for what I said to you earlier it was very out of line and even though I'm not very fond of you-"

"I'm not too fond of you either," I interrupted him.

"I noticed," he said with a small smile on his lips and a gleam in his eyes.

"Anyway I shouldn't ever say something like that and I promise I won't say something like taht ever again and I'm really sorry" he said with an apologetic look.

"I accept the apology and I'm sorry that I overreacted and I promise I'll try to no do it again" I answered him and said what else was on my heart, I'm sure we won't be amazing friends after this, but maybe we'll start treating each other a little better.

"Apology accepted" as soon as he said it we both smiled, I don't know why but I felt inside of me that I had to do it so I did it.

Everything around me disappeared from the moment he started talking, and I didn't even notice the moment Annabeth disappeared from my sight.

"I have to go to training, after all, there's catch the flag tomorrow," he said, looking at me and Larys, but mainly at her as if he was trying to tell her something, and then he left, so I turned to Larys.

"So what do we do now?" I asked hesitantly.

"We'll go train and in the meantime I'll explain what catch the flag is" Larysa replied.

"Good because I have no idea what it even is"

"I know"

As I was walking next to Larysa who explained to me what catch the flag is, what the rules are and what team I will be on.

Luckily for me, according to her, I'm on the team with Luke, apparently he's the best swordsman at the camp apart from him, hallelujah, I'm on the team with her and Annabeth, which I'm very happy about because I wouldn't want to fight any of them, from what I've noticed, if I were against them, I'm only talking about these two, not the entire cabins, I would be dead in less than five minutes.

"We'll find you something you're good at don't you worry and we'll try to polish it by the end of this day, with breaks of course," Larysa said, full of hope, which I lack, but maybe it won't be as terrible as I think.


This is even more horrible than I thought!

When I was shooting a bow, I almost set someone on fire.

Then, when I was throwing knives, I almost gouged out a girl's eye.

Then, when everyone around me decided that everything related to throwing was out of the question, I fought with Larysa with a knife and I almost cut her finger by a complete accident, and I apologized to her for a good ten minutes.

Then, when we had the last option,the sword, I was so afraid for Larysa's health that I decided we take a break.


I watched her train, which is a bit of an overstatement because she was terrible at everything she tried to do.

I really hope I won't have to train her because I'd rather kiss the ground I'm standing on than try to get through one training session with her, she almost cut off Larysa's finger for gods sake.


While I was once again apologizing to Larysa for what happened during training, another camper, I think his name was Chris, told me that Chrion was calling me.

After a short walk, I found myself at the door where I met Luke, the court king of idiots.

"What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?"

We asked the same question at the same time but before either of us could answer we heard Chrion's voice.

"Come inside, children."

We did exactly as he asked, but before we did there was a little argument over who was going through the door first.

When we FINALLY got inside, Chrion started to explain why he called us.

"I called you because of the number of complaints we have received about you, Angela. From what I heard, you should be banned from training from now on, but I have a better idea, that's why I called you Luke, you are the best swordsman we have, so you will teach Angela, you will train when there's no one there except the two of you. Any questions?"

Me and Luke were so shocked that apart from a quiet "What?" we didn't say anything.

Dionisus, sitting nearby, grumbled something under his breath and said, "You understand then why you're still here, ha?"

Time skip {Old Days}

Angela is seven years old

"Promise me one thing that no matter what you will try to protect Angela and Percy" Sally said with sadness written all over her face.

"I promise," Poseidon said, turning towards his children sitting next to each other at the table.

Well it took me longer than I thought, but here's the next chapter, sorry for the delay, but I had a lot of tests at school and no time, but better late than never.

Thank you so much for choosing my fanfic and I hope you like.

Love you A.


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