5 - Asshole

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Before I could get too far, someone grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face him, and for a split second I saw that the person was the same asshole from before.

He quickly pulls me closer to him by both of my wrists, so close that I could count every scar on his face, even the smallest and least visible ones. I don't know what he did to deserve such a pretty face. Brown eyes so dark that when they weren't in the sun they looked jet black and that jaw so sharp as a sword. I really don't know what he did to deserve this appearance, but it definitely wasn't for being polite.

As soon as I had the chance, because his grip on my wrists loosened, I pulled my hands away and pushed him away from me.

"What's wrong with you, first you act like a total dick, and now what?" I asked.

"I never got your name, princess."

"There's no chance in hell I'm going to tell you my name" does he really expect me to tell him my name just because he never got it?

"Oh don't be like that, princess, all I want is your name."

"Stop calling me princess"

"No problem, just tell me your name and I'll stop calling you that."

"Absolutely no, asshole."

"You know how easy it is to just say your name, for example, I'm Luke"

"Great, you know your own name," I smiled sarcastically. Suddenly Larysa came out of nowhere.

"Oh Angela, I was looking for you everywhere, why didn't you come to my cabin?"

"I was going to, but he stopped me," I said, pointing at the idiot who is standing next to me .

"Oh Luke, I didn't notice you, sorry"

"No problem, Larysa," he said with such a warm voice and smile that I turned my head towards him with my eyebrows raised. What's wrong with this guy? To me he is rude, but to others he is all nice?

What did I do to him? He's like that because maybe I accidentally bumped into him and I wanted to apologize, or maybe because I didn't want to tell him my name because he was a total jerk. Like really what's wrong with this dude?

But all my thoughts stopped when Larysa said. "It's good that you both know each other. Angela, Luke is the Head Counselor at Hermes' Cabin. He manages cabin 11 where you will be staying."

"What?" now I turned towards her.

"No Angela, we're not starting this again."

"But-" one look from Larys was enough for me to shut up.

"Okay, shall we go?" she asked, looking at me and Luke. While I stood frozen, Luke nodded. Larysa started walking towards a cabin which is probably cabin 11, the place where I will live with this jerk who is standing next to me.

"You're going to have to put up with me a little bit longer, princess," he said, winking at me. If looks could kill, Luke would be dead by now. Instead of arguing with this asshole, I decided to just go to Larysa.


Once we got to the cabin, Luke and Larysa started showing me around.

"So here's your bed, if you need anything there's my room," he said, pointing to a distant door to some room in the left corner.

"Why do you have the whole room to yourself and the rest of us only have beds?" I asked. That's a bit unfair.

"Because I'm the head counselor at this cabin and every head counselor has their own room" as he said this, he moved closer to me.

"It's not really fair, don'tyou think?"

"Well I don't make the rules, princess," he whispered the last part so that Larysa wouldn't hear it. Why he did it and why he called me a princess AGAIN, I don't know, but I'm fed up with him and I'll have to put up with him even longer until my dad claims me. I rolled my eyes and moved closer to Larysa.

"And how do you like it?" Larysa asked, turning her head towards me and slowly leaving the cabin.

"It's not that bad, it's very beautiful here but... you know, I was supposed to be with my mom and Percy at the beach house right now," I replied, walking next to her.

Larysa sighed. "Angela, do you trust me?"

"Yes, of course"

"Then come with me" we started walking along the river. At some point Larysa spoke again.

"I know it's not the same as that beach house, but..." Larysa stopped and took a deep breath to calm her nerves, then continued and we started walking further, "I hope you like it, not many people know about this place, so you'll probably be here alone most of the time"

When she finished, I saw the most beautiful small beach with an equally small pier. Beautiful view of the sea, clean sand, no one around and in the walking distance to the Hermes cabin. I feelt tears starting to flow down my face.

"Thank you Lary"

"You're welcome. You talk a lot about how much you love the sea and water in general, so I decided that as soon as I have the opportunity, I'll take you here." saying this she hugged me.

"I love you Lary"

"I love you too Ange"

After a long moment of hugging, Larysa had to go because she had to do something in her cabin, but I stayed there for about an hour before I returned to my cabin, where I was greeted by this idiot's stupid smile.

"Where have you been, princess?"

"First of all, it's none of your business, second of all, stop calling me princess, asshole."

Instead of arguing more, I went to get my things and then went to the bathroom that Larysa had shown me earlier to change. When I was in my pj's I went back to cabin 11 and went to sleep.

Thank you so much for choosing my fanfic. Hope you like it.

Love you A.

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