8 - Annabeth

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I turned around but there was no one behind me so I looked back at Larysa with big eyes except for us and some other girls who are at the other end of the room there is no one else.

"Who said that?" I asked and she just started laughing.

"Larysa why are you laughing?" I asked and she just started laughing more.

"I'm sorry, it's just-it's very funny," she replied still laughing.

"What's funny about the probability of me hearing voices?"

" I'm sorry," she replied taking a deep breath to calm herself down.

"Larysa-" I wanted to ask if she could tell me who said 'it's me" moments ago but she interrupted me.

"Annabeth take off that hat, please," I looked at Larysa like she was crazy, who the hell is she talking to? Certainly not to me but when I heard a sigh behind my back I turned around in a heartbeat. What the hell is going on here?

"Do I have to?" the voice asked, my hair stood up, my eyes opened wide like never before and my heart is about to be in my ass, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?

"Yes," Larysa answered slightly annoyed by the stupid question.

Another sigh, and then a girl appeared in front of my eyes, a black-skinned girl with gorgeous black hair, no older than my brother. She scared the living shit out of me but she's really beautiful and she's holding some kind of hat in her hand that Larysa told her to take off, does this hat make her invisible?

"You are very pretty. I'm Angela by the way" I said extending my hand to her to say hello, plus I couldn't help but compliment her, she really is gorgeous.

She looked at me confused for a moment, not knowing what to do, took a deep breath and said.

"Thank you and I know," saying this she returned my gesture and shook my hand.

Then it dawned on me that her voice and her face were exactly the same as that of the strange girl who told me that I drool while sleeping.

"It's you."

"What me?" she asked puzzled.

"It was you who told me that I was drooling as I slept the first night I was here."

"Ooh, yes it was me but it wasn't my fault you were drooling" the moment me and Annabeth were talking Larysa couldn't take it anymore and started laughing. Hysterically laughing not normally, she was laughing so hard she was almost lying on the floor with no air in her lungs.

"Is she okay?" Annabeth asked looking at me.

"I think so," I replied glancing at her.


Watching Angela practically run away from me and how our entire conversation went, I can tell that I fucked up big time. Okay maybe I'm fed up with her shit but I could have been more gentle when I said it but no, I had to act like an idiot.

And say it in such a way that she would be upset and I also said that it would be better if she wasn't here at all, oh my gods, what an idiot I am, I can already prepare my own funeral because as soon as Larysa finds out about it, she will kill me. I'm so dead.

Trying to figure out where to hide from Larysa, I slowly walked towards my dad's cabin. If only he could talk to me at least once, or at least reply when I try to talk to him, a simple yes or no would really be enough for me. Chris stopped my train of thought stopping me and telling me.

"You're dead men, you're so dead Luke"

"What are you talking about?"

"Silena told me what she heard from Larysa's conversation with her friend and it doesn't look good for you."

"Angela already told Larysa?"

"Ooh, you know her name. How sweet, should I start planning the wedding?"

"Chris, no! I don't even like her, she's a pain in the ass."

"Mhm, so I should ask again in about an hour, a month or a year?"

"Chris! Don't ask at all because the answer will be the same-"

"Is that why you ran out of the cabin like a madman just to save her this morning?"

"Chris, if you don't stop, I'll hit you."

"Instead of hitting me or arguing with me when we both know I'm right, you should go apologize to the love of your life and talk to Larysa so she doesn't kill you."

"You're dead Chris-"

"Hey, hey, but you don't have to kill me right away, remember that we are family." as he said this, he started to move away from me more and more.

"Don't worry, it won't happen now, I'll let you live a little longer, but keep it in the back of your mind that I'm still here, watching you." saying this, I walked up to him and hit him in the balls with my knee.

"Dick-" he said, bending in half.

"Have a nice life Chris" I said and started speed walking towards Cabin 10.

Once I was inside, all I saw was Larysa lying on the floor, laughing her ass of, and Angela and Annabeth standing next to each other, looking at her.

"Are you sure she's okay, Angela?" Annabeth asked, tilting her head to the side.

"To be honest, I have no idea anymore, Beth."

"Did you just call me Beth?"

"Yeah, you don't want me to call you that because if you don't want to, I can stop-"

"No, it's fine, you can call me that" she smiled as she said this.

I was so focused on the conversation between Angela and Annabeth that I didn't notice when Larysa stopped laughing and looked at me with a murderous look.

"You" said slowly Larysa, getting up from the floor.

I'm dead.

Chris was right, I'm so dead.

Thank you so much for choosing my fanfic and I hope you like it.

Love you A.

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