11 - Plotting

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The Prophecy

'Golden ring with green stone symbolizing knowledge in unknowing, strength in helplessness, happiness in sadness, friendship in death, love in betrayal will be given to Poseidon's eldest daughter.'

'What she will do with it is for her to decide. Will she love, will she betray, will she be betrayed or will she do it all?'



After Angela went to meet Luke all alone-well maybe it's not a date-style meeting just training so she doesn't accidentally kill us during 'capture the flag' tomorrow-but it's still alone, and as we well know anything can happen when two people are alone.

I read too much, definitely-I hope they don't kill each other.

Who am I kidding of course they will kill each other the first moment they get.

I quickly got up from the bed I was sitting on and read a new book I got from Angela's mom, Sally probably had the best taste in books. It was thanks to her that I started reading for fun and not because school told me to.

Pulling myself out of my thoughts I started walking towards the arena where I tried to teach Angela something, it didn't work out but I tried.

"Larysa where are you going?" the voice of my step-sister, Silena Beauregard, echoed behind my back.


Mom if you want Angela and Luke to be together you better save me now from your other daughter!

"Hi sis," I said turning towards her with a fake smile on my lips.

"What are you doing again, Larysa?" Silena asked me with a serious look on her face.

"Do you want a real answer or...?" I asked her.

"Of course I want the real answer. What kind of question is that?" she answered me with a face that said 'what's wrong with you?'.

"Would you believe me if I told you that I'm plotting with our mother to have the two people from this camp end up together?" I asked while giving her an answer to her question from a few seconds earlier.

After a very brief moment of thought she answered me, "Probably yes, our mother loves to do that." My sister is right our mother really loves to bring two souls together and watch two confused people fall in love with each other. This is her favorite way to spend her free time.

Before I could say anything Silena says "If that's exactly what you're doing, please tell me who with whom and I beg you to let me help you."

If I'm honest I didn't expect her to ask me this but I was very happy that she wanted to help. Which will be much needed with these two. If Silena wants to help maybe Chris will too.

And I don't think so just for the sake of me wanting to spend more time with him.

Me? No, never in my life.

This time I was snapped out of my thoughts by my mother "Focus please or you won't see it."

I looked at my sister to see if maybe she had heard our mother too, but I could tell by the look on her face that she hadn't.

"I will gladly accept your help, these two are unbearable, but from what I am planning we will also need Chris's help-" before I could finish my statement, Silena interrupted me.

"Help from Chris? What is he going to do, start drooling over you?" she asked with a smile because she knows that I like him.

I must admit, just imagining it made my cheeks turn pink.

"Stop, it's not about me, it's about Luke and Angela," I said, still pink as a peony flower.

"Oooh I see it, so what do we do now?" my sister asked.

I quickly looked towards the arena but saw Luke in the distance walking towards us.

"Now we're going back to our cabin as quickly as possible because Luke is coming towards us," I replied, then I grabbed her hand and practically started running towards cabin 10.

Once we reached our cabin, I let go of her hand and slowly started telling her everything I knew while sitting on my bed. I must admit it was really nice spending time with her like this.


"Wait wait, so you're telling me he calls her princess?" Silena asked me with a teasing smirk.

I looked at her and nodded. I already know that she will 100% never let Luke forget about it.

While I was nodding, I noticed someone in the doorway for a moment, so I looked again to see who it was.

It didn't take me long to realize it was Angela.

"I have to go because Angela just came and I haven't eaten anything yet. I'll see you later, I'll tell you more details." I told my sister.

She just smiled at me.

I got up and went to Angela, I took her hand and we started walking.

"Where are we going?" Angela asked me.

"We're going to eat," I replied, smiling.

To be honest, my greatest love so far is food, no, who am I kidding, food is my lifelong love.


Next Day - 'Capture The Flag' Day

I wanted to go to Larysa yesterday, but it was already late, so I decided that I would go and tell her today, but so far, I don't have a single moment, not even for myself.

Luke told me to get up at an ungodly hour, 5am. And he said that I should get ready as soon as possible and go to training arena because in his opinion I'm not even good enough to stand next to the flag.

We had been training for about half an hour just like yesterday when we finally started talking to each other.

"So, princess, why did you come back to the cabin so late last night?" Luke asked, showing me how to use a sword properly to be better at this.

I really appreciate him helping me even if he was forced to do it but he could stop asking these questions. The only thing he achieve is my anger because he won't even get a real answer.

"None of your business," I replied, focusing on what he was showing me.

"You know you could just tell me, I don't bite. And this whole situation reminds me of how you didn't want to tell me your name, princess," he said, starting to fight me.

"Can stop asking this nonsense and focus on training?" I said louder and more firmly than I had planned. Which made me feel stupid right away. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like that," I apologized and sighed, losing once again.

His sword was placed close to my throat and he was standing very close, so close that I could feel his breath on my face. Luke is taller than me, so I would have to look up to look at his face. When I did I noticed how close he was standing to me, in process taking all of the oxygen from my lungs.

And he just looked me straight in the eye, not saying anything, he just stared and I did exactly the same, we were so close that I could see how his eyes were darker on the outside and the closer they got to the inside, the brighter they got.

The difference is unnoticeable from a distance because it is so subtle, but when you are this close you can notice it almost immediately.

Without moving away or looking away from me, he moved even closer by a few millimeters and said "I don't bite, but you definitely do, princess" and then he moved away completely.

"I'll see you at 'capture the flag', remember we're on the same team so don't bite me, princess" and with that he left.

And I, like the last idiot, stood in the very center of the arena with my jaw on the floor.

Well I think I cooked here.

Love you guys soooooo much.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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