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A call from Mr. D. and Chrion to their office in the morning great, just great. What did I apparently did this time? Okay maybe I accidentally set Clarisse's blouse on fire a week ago, but that was an accident and they already talked to me about it so what did I did this time?

Maybe some idiot tripped over his own feet again because instead of walking like a normal person he stared at ME, the wonderful perks of being the daughter of Aphrodite. Okay I like the fact that I am pretty and the fact that others notice it but let's not stare at me all the time, it's just rude, I have the right to leave the cabin like they do it's not my fault they can't walk. My train of thought was stopped by Chrion opening the door before I could even knock.

"We've been waiting for you," he said, letting me inside.

"I suppose you're curious why we called you here?"

"Of course I am. As far as I remember I didn't do anything," I replied.

"Of course not-" before he could say anything further Mr. D. spoke up.

"You have a quest from your mother. Normally satirists do it, but apparently not this time."

I didn't understand anything Mr. D said except "You have a quest from your mother" this is the first time I'll be going on a quest. From what the rest of the cabin said I shouldn't have any quests until I'm at least 14, but apparently my mother had other plans. I'm so happy I can't stop smiling.

"She chose me?" I asked shyly.

"Yes, she chose you," said Chrion.

"I kind of want to throw up so stop this corny stuff and go to the oracle," said Mr. D with a look on his face like he was about to vomit.

I said nothing but went to the attic. I have to say it is weird and scary here. Everything is in spiderwebs and dust and it smells like it hasn't been cleaned here for centuries. I turned into one of the corridors if it can be called that at all. At the end sat a mummified woman.

"You don't look very good sweetie," I said sarcastically as if she could hear or understand me. Suddenly, green smoke started coming out of her mouth.

"I guess you didn't brush your teeth either, huh?"

Immediately after a warm female voice began to speak.

"Larysa will be the one to bring one of the powerfuls, Angela will be your platonic other half but when the time comes you will both die by the same hands so take advantage of every moment you have with her, who will die first is a guess you'll have to make."


During a normal day at school, in the corridor when I was going to lunch with Larysa I was stopped by Mr. Brunner a very good teacher, I had History with him although his specialty was Greek history he still taught the rest of the subject with passion.

"I think you left it in class." He said with a small smile on his lips, giving me a pen of some sort. I didn't think it was mine but before I could say anything Mr. Brunner added.

"This is an amazing instrument, you're going to need it."

With surprise at first a little quietly but then a little louder I said. "This is a pen. This is a pen." But before I could say more he countered. "I know." And he took off in his wheelchair. I turning to Larysa and said. "What could be so amazing about an pen?" she said nothing but moved her shoulders as if to tell me that she didn't know either.

Despite all the strange conversation with Mr. Brunner, me and Lary went to lunch. In the process of sitting down with trays of food, we started joking and talking, looking at the fact that the weekend was coming up and after that the vacations we won't see each other for a long time.

Me, Mom and Percy already have a plan to go to the beach house, but I don't know if it will work out because Percy screwed something up again at his school and will probably have to stay longer there and than get kicked out of school, again.

After finishing the rest of the day at school and packing my things I went in front of the school. I was waiting for my mother when I suddenly heard someone's voice, sounding feminine.

"And where do you think you're going?"

I turned around to see who was talking to me. When I did, I didn't expect what I saw was something that looked like my math teacher but with some kind off demonic wings.

"Mrs. Dodds?" I asked with fear in my eyes.

"Call me Alecto in your last minutes of your life."

"Mrs. Dod-" I wanted to say Mrs. Dodds but she started growling at me "Alecto what are you talking about?"

"I was sent to kill you," she said in a calm and stoic voice. How on earth is that something that used to be a woman can say such things so calmly?

This demonic thing started to get closer and closer to me when I suddenly heard Larysa's voice.

"Angela pen!" she screamed.

And I reached into my pocket, I don't know why I needed that pen at time like this, but I trust her so I opened it. But instead of a pen, there was a sword.

Alecto jumped at me and in fear I stuck my sword into her where the heart should have been. Alecto slowly began to turn into dust.

Terrified, I looked at Lary to make sure she saw it too, she ran to me and helped me get up.

"Is everything okay? Did she hurt you somehow?" she asked with fear in her eyes.

"I guess not" I looked down and saw that Lary had my and her's bag in her hand.

"Where are you going, I thought you were staying here?" I asked not to think about what just happened.

"I was supposed stay but your mom invited me to join you," she sighed, "I was going to tell you but there was no time plus what just happened-"

I know she wanted to add something, but there was no time because my mother had just come to pick us up.

Thank you so much for choosing my fanfic. Hope you like it so far.

love you A.

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