7 - Little Cupid

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Something woke me up from my sleep at six in the morning, and despite my tossing and turning, I couldn't get back to sleep, so I got up and got ready.

Once I did that, I decided that I would do to Angela what she had done to me for the last two years, which is wake up the other one as early as possible, for example at six-thirty.

I was already close to cabin 11 when I heard my mother's voice.

"Go to the little beach, honey"

"Thank you," I replied to my mother. It's a bit sad that I can't see her, but I know she loves me and all my other half-siblings.

In fact, thanks to her, I not only got my appearance but also the power to see love from miles away, for example, Angela and Luke can pretend as much as they want that they hate each other, but I immediately recognized the spark in Angela's eyes and how Luke calls her princess even though he tried to be quiet and whisper it to her when I was next to them. Sometimes I wonder if he really thinks I'm deaf, this guy can't even whisper, I'd probably still hear it if I was standing across the room.

When I got to the beach, I didn't see anyone, only a towel, shoes, shorts and a shirt left on the pier. I ran closer to see if anyone was drowning, but when I looked down into the water I saw that it was only Angela.

She's a great swimmer, so I wasn't worried, but the fact that I sat on her towel and waited for about fifteen minutes for her to come out of the water, but she was still sitting under the water, worried me a bit.

So I got up and started running towards cabin 11 to have Luke take her out of the water because I wouldn't be able to pull her out myself, but as soon as I reached the small forest separating the beach from the cabins, I heard my mother again.

"She'll be fine, but I need you to cry, baby."

I stopped completely at these words.

"What why?"

"Do you want them to end up together?"

"Of course"

"Then do what I tell you and we will be closer to our goal"


I focused and started thinking about little kittens without a home and I started crying. As soon as the tears started flowing down my face, I started running to cabin 11 again, I immediately ran to Luke's room and started knocking.

"What?" he asked in a sleepy voice.

"Luke, Angela is drowning on the small beach with the small pier and I can't get her out of the water myself, so I came to you," I quickly said in a panicked tone. If he believes it, I should become an actress.

"What? How long has she been underwater?" He started asking questions in a panic. Nailed it!

At the same time, he quickly started putting on his shoes and started running towards the beach with me next to him.

"About twenty minutes at the beginning I thought she was going to float to the surface because Angela is a good swimmer, but after fifteen minutes I started to get scared and started running as fast as I could to get you" it's not a complete lie, after all, I was really scared at the very beginning.

When we reached the beach, I quickly showed him where Angela was and then told him I would go get more help, which I didn't, but he didn't need to know that.



When I got dressed, I took a towel and went to Luke, who was standing by the tree with his back to me. I really hope it won't be awkward or Larysa will show up out of nowhere. Despite my fears, I moved closer to him.

"So are we going?" I asked uncertainly. Luke looked at me and for a second looked like he wanted to tell me something but he just nodded and started walking towards the cabins.

We slowly walked in silence, a very awkward silence. I can really take a lot, but sometimes I can't stand it anymore, so I stopped in front of him and asked.

"What this time, asshole?"

"What do you mean?"

"First you save me even though I didn't need you to save me, then you act like you care about me, then you act like a complete emotionless dick, and now you don't talk to me and stay silent, so I ask again, what this time, asshole? "

"Maybe I'm just fed up with you and maybe I think it would be best if you weren't here at all, princess, have you thought about it?"

Ouch, that hurt. I looked down, just don't start crying, please, not now.

"I didn't mean it like that-"

I took a deep breath and looked back at him.

"Don't just don't, you really are an asshole and to think I was about to stop calling you that" I looked at him one last time and then started running towards cabin 10 where I quickly found Larys.

Larysa looked at me with a smile on her face, but when she saw me, she immediately stopped smiling.

"What happened?" she asked worriedly.

"I really don't know how you can be friends with that asshole," I said, almost crying.


After explaining the whole situation to Larysa, tears were still streaming down my face. I'm far from home, I don't know where neither my mother nor my brother are and how they are feeling, my father doesn't want to claim me and some idiot tells me that it would be best if I wasn't here, no, I feel great, this is the best day of my life.

To make it even worse... I have to sleep and be in the same cabin as this dick, it's just fucking awesome.

"Luke is an idiot and sometimes he says too much, but he almost always has good intentions. Of course, he did behave terribly this time, but-" Larysa tried to get her friend out of the shit he had created for himself.

"Don't defend him-" I said.

"I know, but he's like family to me, you are too, and I don't want you two to fight-"

"Wait, I knew I was like family to you, but HE. What did he do to deserve it?" I asked slightly angry.

"He was just there for me when I had no one" I looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"I'm gonna need more than that"

Larysa took a breath. "When I got here, apart from Grover, the satyr who got me here, everyone wanted to hang out with me just because I was pretty. No one looked at me as another human being, just as some stupid statue whose only job was to be pretty. This was until I met Luke, he was one of the few who looked at me as another human being who had a brain and thoughts, not some object. And because he was practically my only friend, we quickly became best friends and we were very close, almost as close as I'm with you, but I was assigned a quest by my mother and I had to complete it, and to do it I had to go to you, meet you and then bring you here-"

"So I'm just a quest for you?" I asked sarcastically, I know I'm not just a quest for her.

"You know very well that you are not. Besides, it was a quest from my mother and she lives off drama, basically like everyone else in this cabin, but I had to leave him here and go to you, so we didn't seen each other for almost two years, but he's still like a big brother to me and Annabeth is like a little sister."

"Who's Annabeth?"

"It's me" said someone behind me.

Thank you so much for choosing my fanfic and i hope you like it.

Love you A.

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