How it began

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Narrator POV:

Todays starts just like any other day in Marley, people are going to their jobs, Eldina's are being forced to work hard and trained only to be used as bait or turned into large abomination against their will.  However there is a boy running through the streets in a cloak as some merchets are chasing him he has just stolen some sweets and bread and is now curranty trying to make it back to his base without being caught.

Merchant 1: Dammit get that brat he stole from us!

Body guard: Shit how is he so fast I'm losing site of him in the crowd!

"Dammit I knew he would hire more body guards but I still can't believe my luck this guy really hired 4 more people to watch some stupid sweets." I said to myself as I ran through alleys and jumped over people.

"Hahahahaha no where left to run now you little Eldian scum..  we got you surrounded and you can't take us all on." said one of the body guard's and they slowly moved in.

You chuckled at what he said even though you were at a dead end you could easily take on all 4 grown men Infront of you as your eye's started shifting to a purplish color but quickly stopped when you realized that you were seriously thinking about injuring the people when you had other options,  As you turned around cloak still over your head hiding your smile and face the men looked at you taken aback and they could only see the Slight glow of purple coming from your coved face.

"Shit they really are Devils" One of the men say.  "Do you think they can all transform into a titian at will I thought was it just the warriors?" Another one of the body guards said. "Should we call the military so they can kill him-." He was cut off as you ran at almost blinding speed straight at one of the building trapping you.  When you get a few feet from the wall and for a split second your eyes flash a dark purple and you jump off the wall and over 12 feet onto the roof.  As you stand on top you look down at the 4 men who look absolute flabbergasted as they started at you.  "What was that you were saying?" You said the you give the men the Finger as you sprint off and jump onto more roofs until you are eventually find a good place where no one is to get down and walk back home to one of your closed Friends Annie Leonhart.

You have to sneak back in the base cause no Eldian are allowed to go outside the fence without permission and you didn't exactly ask to leave,  After you wait till the cost is clear (witch takes a few hours) *sigh why do they guard this place so much?  no one ever leaves it's almost like they are just messing with me.  You think to yourself but just as you think that you see a opening and you take it,  draping your cloak over the barbed wire and then grabbing it on your way down tearing it in the prosses "SHIT" you say to yourself before running in a ally and up a almost broken ladder.  "Home sweet home." you chuckle to yourself as you set your goodies aside.  It's not much just a addict that no one ever uses for some reason the tallest part in the middle is only 6ft so you can stretch a little there, you gaze over at your bag and pull out chocolate bars and you rush out again to the barracks.  

When you get there you see her, Annie Leonhart standing outside your window waiting for you with a serious face and she glares at you.  *How does she know every time?  you wonder to yourself and you walk up to her.  "Are you pepping in the boys cabin again?" you chuckle trying to lighten the mood but before you can continue Annie suddenly charges at you and punches you square on the nose, you hear a small crack and stumble back a few steps and just as you recover she is sending a kick at your head than you fluidly dodge under her leg and in one motion you wrap your arm under her leg and pin her to the wall of the cabin with your other hand.  "Now that's no way to treat your best friend is it?" you ask smiling at her blue eyes. "You need to stop, your going to get caught and then get turn into a mindless Titan." she says and she stares back at your Y/E eyes with a slight blush going across her face.  You giggle at the situation and set her down "Come on mom you know I'm the best there is, and I'm not afraid of that I'm not even sure I can be turned remember?" you say gesturing to your whole body.  Annie scoffs and she pushes you out of her way as she make her way back to her cabin, you run after her and grab her wrist pulling her into a hug that she struggles against at first but quickly gave up and reciprocated holding you tight.  

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