The Fall of Shiganshina part 3

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Y/N ran to the blonde bully who was trapped under the fallen rocks while carrying Sera on his back with a grim smile on his face.

Y/N: Hey asshole remember me?

*Blonde kid looks up in pure terror with tears streaking down is face*

Y/N: Look I'm gonna give you 2 options 1 I lift this rock up and you make noise to distract the titans and maybe escape or I cut you and use you as bait to distract the titans and you die.

Sera: W-what are you talking about you can't do that-

Y/N: Make your choice

Blonde kid: Y-y-your insane 

Y/N: Maybe but I'm want to survive so if that makes me insane then yes I am now make your choice now or I decide for you

Blonde kid: No get me the hell out and we will escape together-

He was cut off by the sounds of the titans foot step getting closer so Y/N made the decision and in a swift motion rammed the rock without hitting Sera off of the Blonde bully and with his left hand grabbed his leg and threw him towards the titans while the blonde was left in shock staring up at the titans as they all looked down at him.  Sera starting to quietly sob on Y/N back as Y/N starting running around the titans.


The titans start to grab the fight over the boys body ripping him apart and devouring him while Y/N and Sera go around the massacre after running in silence for some more time the gate finally comes into view and Y/N start making a bee line out the this nightmare.

Solider 1: There are more survivors hurry get through this gate it going to be closing soon, after it is shut there isn't any other way in.

Y/N: Dammit I'm gonna have to sneak in at some point to retrieve the other files and or destroy any evidence. Thank you sir

Solider 2:  Is your mother injured?  there might be a Doctor on the Boats or maybe at Trost.

Y/N: Alright we will look.

As Y/N is walking he hears some people calling out to him as he looks over to a boat he sees Eren and Armin waving to him and calling him so he starts jogging over and as he gets in line he feels Sera moving around on his back so he sets her down but she doesn't make a sound as she just shuffles with Y/N up the boat until they meet with Armin and Eren.

Armin: Thank goodness you make it when Eren and Carla told me what happened I started to get worried that maybe they got you..*Awkwardly trails off*

Eren: Ya that was so cool what you did with your knife cutting off the titans fingers and leading it away- *Gets cut off*

Y/N: Thanks for your concern and this is a scythe not a knife, what about your mother that wall was really heavy is she ok?

Eren: *Angrily* She is alive but her leg is really injured and there isn't a doctor on board to help her.  THOSE BASTARED WILL PAY

Y/N: Take me to her I know a little First aid worst case I can at least wrap it up.

Armin: Follow us *Him and Eren start walking away*

Y/N looks at him and then looks back at Sera who is still looking at the ground with a emotionless face holding her left arm.  "Are you injured?" Asked Y/N. she doesn't respond just nodded slowly.  (Y/N thoughts) "She has been through a lot maybe it would've been better if I just left her to die?  Either way the choice is up to her now what she does with her life." Y/N started to walk to where Armin and Eren were.  Carla and Armin grandpa (Forgot his name if he had one) were siting down in a uncomfortable spot trying to take up as little room as possible due to how crowded the boats were and Carla right leg looked bad it was crocked and was a shade of purple and red with blood still dripping out of come cuts she had.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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