The Mask

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A/N: I will be getting all of my information on the SCP website and or Wikipedia page so if you would like to further look into any of the SCP's I talk about or just in general you may take a look there.


Y/N was sitting at one of the chairs in the empty meeting room area going over varies files and holding a small compass/pocket watch and comparing it to the files he had.  So If I'm correct this pocket watch is showing me SCP 035 AKA the possessive mask and if this is true based of everything it knows and we know about it he could really start a rebellion in the walls and expose everything or worst..  I need to get ready immediately *stands up and starts walking to the door until a voice in his head begins to speak*

????: Am I going to be making a appearance tonight?

Y/N: *Clutching his head to suppress the voice* N-no Worst case senecio I use you to kill whoever the Mask is possessing

????: It's amusing that you still think I'm a different entity from you when we both know that is a lie. *Chuckles*

Y/N says nothing and continues out the door wearing his cloak and having this scythe with him while holding the strange looking pocket watch as he begins sneaking around trying his best to stay out of view from everything,  it may be dark out but their are still guards patrolling around and if he were to get caught by one of them he would have to kill them so there would not be any witnesses.

While Y/N was jumping from rooftop to rooftop and hiding in alleys when needed he went over everything he knew about SCP 035.  "SCP 035 is a white porcelain comedy mask, although, at times, it will change to tragedy.  A highly corrosive Dark Liquid constantly seeps from the eye and mouth holes of SCP-035 anything that comes into contact with the liquid will start to decay over time including Living organisms.  Glass seems to be able to resist the liquid the best and should always be kept in a glass container.  Anyone within 1.5- 2 meters or has visual contact with it experience a strong urge to put it on, When SCP-035 is placed on the face of an individual an alternate mind begins to emerge snuffing out the hosts mind and leaving them brain dead  and allowing The Mask to take possession of the body however the body begins to decay and will eventually leave the body useless and The Mask in need of a new host.  SCP-035 displays a highly intelligent and charismatic personality However analysis has discovered SCP-035 to possess a highly manipulative nature The Mask has also proven to be highly sadistic, prompting some to commit suicide and transforming others into near-mindless servants with linguistic persuasion alone. 

SCP-035 Can Possess anything that has a humanoid shape, including mannequins, corpses, and statues however when the Idea of The Mask possessing Titans was brought up it was immediately shut down and thrown away, however the Mask has shown a keen i...

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SCP-035 Can Possess anything that has a humanoid shape, including mannequins, corpses, and statues however when the Idea of The Mask possessing Titans was brought up it was immediately shut down and thrown away, however the Mask has shown a keen interest in Titans and has asked to be placed on a Titan a few times however all were denied and any further request to be placed on a Titan or shifter is to be denied.  SCP-035 controlling a Titan could result in a strong host with healing properties making Titans theory the Perfect hosts for it and the damage SCP-035 could do with a titan would be Devastating all potential attempt The Mask makes to possess a Titan should be stopped by any mean necessary.  It is unknown how SCP-035 came to be or how it got on Paradise Island but it is believed that there is a old Site foundation somewhere on the Island that these Anomalies have been escaping out of  however it is still unclear and unknow how these Anomalies or Sites even came to be in the first place, Records show at the Site indicate that it might not be from this world however it is not proven and needs to be further researched.

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