Average Day

65 3 0

2 Year Time skip

3rd person POV:

It was a quiet day in Mall Maria people were going to their jobs while children played in the streets while beggars sat on the street side all while a certain young boy walked calmly down the road following a fat wealthy noble without being spotted.

Noble: Get out of my way commoners don't you know who I am?

Guard: You heard him MOVE *Throws old lady to the side*

Noble: Hmph should've known better come on lets keep going 

Y/N: Alright just a little bit further.

The Noble in his wagon and the 4 military police guards surrounding it 1 in the front steering and 1 on each side with the last on being behind the wagon and they were walking up to a bridge that was the spot you had scoped out a week ahead of time and when you would make your move.  You quicky run off to the side and get Infront of the wagon and start to climb under the bridge and wait for the wagon to get above you.  

Wait for it..... not yet... you hear the guard at front followed by the horse trotting,  not yet.... then you hear the front wheels.  Almost.... then the guard on the right closest to you and the door of the wagon, NOW.  You pull yourself up and eye level with the guard on the right and and before he even turns to look at you you hit him in the temple with the back of your chained scythe knocking him out and then shoving him into the wagon before throwing the ball on the other end of your chained scythe at the noble before he can even react rendering him also Unconscious. 

A/N: Sorry this was supposed to be in the BIO part and is subject to change if I find one that looks more like what I was thinking of but oh well

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A/N: Sorry this was supposed to be in the BIO part and is subject to change if I find one that looks more like what I was thinking of but oh well.  The chain is much longer and is wrapped around your entire forearm so you can throw and extend it whenever you need to.


Y/N: Alrighty you Royal piece of crap let's see what you have for dear old me today.  *You reach over the the Large bags sitting opposite of him to open* COME TO PAP- huh? *Pulls out a hand full of envelops and mail* Are you serious??? this guy isn't even a Real Noble?? just a corrupt mail man? Dammit who's mail even is this? "Everyone King Fritz has to pay off." Oh......This might be much more valuable than any coins I could've been hoping for.

Guard: Are you Ok Sir the Guard on the right and is missing and isn't anywhere in sight we think he fell off we are going to stop and go find him.

Y/N: Aw shit I took to long need to think *Looks over at the unconscious fake Noble.* it'll  have to do.

Guard: Sir may we go look at the lake under the bridge? *The Noble Arm sticks out of the slightly opened door with his thump up* O-ok?  will you be ok sitting here we will leave a guard with you just to be safe. *The Noble arm bounce up and down with this thump still up.* R-right sir Alright lets begins looking under the bridge!

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