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It was getting late when we arrived back at the and the Warrior unit was just wrapping  up there training and I saw Annie throwing Reiner over her back and then pinning him to the ground You gotta give Reiner credit he was fighting her to his last breath..... Until he passed out due to lack of oxygen.

Y/N: Sir, May I go see the Warriors before heading back to the barracks?

Commander: Fine, just don't take too long. You only have a day before you're transferred.

Y/N: Yes, Sir!

You jump out of the moving car and start walking to the group of Warrior's that are being lectured by the Captain of the Warriors Zeke,  He take a glance at you and you make a lazy salute that was more of a wave than anything.

Zeke: Well, look who we have here. Did you enjoy your vacation? I didn't see you training at all today?

Y/N: Eh, I could've done without it, last thing I need is some rich privilege ass telling me about Marley and how good it is to serve when he probably hasn't even trained let alone gotten into a fight before.

Zeke: I admire your tenacity and "never bow to no one" nature, but it's gonna get you killed.  He said while rolling his eyes but giving you a strange side eye after.  Annie, your next opponent with be Y/N!  He shouts. 

You glare at him for a moment before he walks away. You then turn around only to see Annie already in her signature stance.

A/N: Couldn't find a younger picture of Annie in Marley training clothes.

You sigh as you get into your fighting stance uninterested. Your fighting stance is that of a martial artist that is made to counterattack and overwhelm your opponent with speed.

The two of you sit there for a few moments analyzing each others you guys haven't fought in a long time but you are both well aware of how capable each other is in a fight you wouldn't admit it but you were pretty exited to fight Annie you haven't had a good fight a a good while and were looking forward to seeing how your guys training paid off.

You make the first move as you rush in just fast enough to throw her off but she recovers quickly and sends a low kick at you as you barley have enough time to pick the right leg up to avoid the kick but are rewarded with Annie's elbow to the face as she followed through with the kick and used the momentum to increase her speed,  you stagger back a few steps but get back into your stance as you see Annie rushing in and sending a punch to your face that you parry and give her a uppercut to her core this time it staggering her and making her take some steps back to gain some distance but you rush her before she is fully able to get into her stance again and shoulder check her flat on her ass, you pounce at the opportunity, however Annie glares back up at you and raises her legs and kicks you as hard as she can while rocking back onto her back sending you flying over her and onto the dirt behind you, you roll onto your shoulder and stand back up quickly and grab onto your stomach as you feel the force of that kick combined with your momentum, as you both look at each other you can't help but to let out a small smile due to the excitement of the fight.

"Time to change things up a bit!" you shout while rushing in at Annie with the same speed as before but with more ferocity Annie send a kick at your abdomen and as it land you stop for a brief moment to grab her leg and swing her around and throw her over 6 meters away and without missing a beat you ran after her only to realize that she copied you and rolled back to her feet and was facing you again with eyes slightly wider has you send a punch to her chin only for her to block it and move it away with her elbow and sends her knee hard into that same spot she struck last time sending you into a world of pain she then jumps while still holding onto you and send her other knee straight to your face whipping your head back as she finally released you.

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