The Willy meeting

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That feeling creeps back into you again as you lock eyes with a young woman that looks similar to Willy Tybur your feeling of danger suddenly becoming clear.

As you sat there staring at this woman you see why you were feeling danger,  you could almost see the titan behind her and it didn't look like anything you have seen before, but you knew this was The Warhammer.

Willy: Now now Mr. Y/N I understand my sister might be considered attractive but can you please stop staring it's quite rude. He said in a casual but stern way

Y/N: Sorry, I was just wondering why you would bring her here.  Like you don't trust me or something? you gave a cheeky grin to the man while still looking at the woman sitting silently across from you.

Willy: Quite the opposite I just wanted to show you that I trust you and you can trust me in return. He have a suspicious look my way and then back to his sister 

????: I think is is one of them... this one is incredibly dangerous.  She looks back up at Willy and he nods

Y/N: Hello?  what am I and why does that nod make me feel more uncomfortable?  You said while you slowly started getting ready to make a move in case something were to happen.

Willy Tybur: Well before I tell you I would like to as a few questions if that would be alright? 

Y/N: Fine but please make it quick the longer this goes on the longer my commander is gonna make me work after the "official training has ended."  You say while making air quotes with your fingers.

Willy and the other girl gave you a puzzled look but didn't question it further and Willy walked out for a few minutes leaving you sitting with the Girl in awkward silence until you finally break the silence.

Y/N: Soooooooooooo,  you know my name but I don't know yours?  I thought your family was always praised for being very respectful and elegant? you playfully teased 

The Girl just sat there looking into your eyes she honestly seemed more on edge than you did, then she spoke in a well mannered voice "My name is Lara Tybur."  was all she said.

Y/N: Ok then, why the hell am I here?

Lara: I do not know.

You looked at the girl dumbfounded and were trying to think of a response to her.  "Ok this is getting really weird why would these crazy people want to speak with me?  do they know about me sneaking out or do they want to ask me to turn into one of those monster?" you thought to yourself while still looking at the girl slightly annoyed while looking around some more for more way to escape.  "Sorry that took so long" said Willy as he walked back in while holding a few things.

Y/N: What are those things? 

Willy: Anomalies

You suddenly got Really Angry and Spooked as you jumped up and took a defense stance you look around and Willy stopped walking and Lara is now standing with her hands behind her back as her eyes slightly glow.  "Please there is no need to for us to fight just sit down and I will explain." Willy said while slowly walking over to the table and couch that you and Lara were just sitting at.

Y/N: S-sorry I don't know what came over me.

*You and Lara sit down 

You guys sit in Silence for about 30 seconds before finally speaking.  "What is a anomaly?"  you ask now looking William Dead in the eyes "I'm glad you asked" said William 

Willy: Anomaly can be classified as many thing both alive and not Anomaly's are phenomenon that violates any attempt at explanation by science.

Y/N: Ok?  What do they do and what does it have to do with me?

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