Selection Process

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3rd person Pov:

"Are we there yet?  its been hours feels like days."  You whine  to the guards sitting around you.  "You have asked that question for the 8th time already like I keep saying we will get there when we get there and if you ask again I'll smack you again!" says the guard who you have been calling Jeffery due to boredom and him not telling you his real name.  "Where are we even going that is so dam far away?  and why did we switch transportation are we on a boat now?" You whine again in vein knowing that they probably aren't gonna answer you but you find annoying them funny.  "WE ARE HERE" a different voice shouted and the vehicle come to a sudden stop jerking you almost off where you were sitting.


FINALLY. you think to yourself.  you feel some hands grabbing you and pulling you down off the vehicle and onto the ground before they start taking off your restraints and marching you somewhere, as you guys are walking you begin to hear a lot of talking and side conversation about random topics.

Finally they yank off the bag and after your eyes are finally able to adjust you see that it is just barley Sun set with the light rapidly falling over the horizon and as you behind to looking around you see that you are in a line with close to 300 people maybe all just talking to each other in a line apparently waiting with you.  

Y/N: What the hell is going on? *You turn to the person on your left*

Random 1: Hell if I know I was told that I was selected to join a highly advanced taskforce and next thing I know some people came to me and put a bag over my head and we were moving for what felt like a entire day.

Random 2: Same here and from what I have been hearing some have been here for about a day already not doing anything and just waiting for the rest of us.

Y/N: Did William Tybur say anything to you guys when he met with you?


Y/N: 1 I hate yelling so shut the hell up.  2 Yes before I was assigned here Lord Tybur wanted to speak with me about this but didn't really give me any useful information.  3 No one else has a meeting with him?

Random 2: Nah kid seem like your special getting a meeting before being assigned.  Actually why the fuck is there a kid here, I thought this was supposed to be a elite and classified task force not babysitting try outs.

Random 1: Wait ya why is there a kid here?

Random 3: Look at his arm band you idiots he is a filthy devil. *Gestures to your Arm band*

Random 2: Are you fucking serious not only do they insult us by sending a actual child to join on top of that he is a devil???

Y/N: *chuckles sarcastically* You seriously just now notice my arm band?  Man you Marley's are dumber then I gave you guys credit for.

Random 3: HOW DARE YOU DEVIL FIL- (Gets cut off)


Everyone looks to the stage where we all seen some officers wearing strange gear and a Large fat looking man with a wicked smile who isn't even wearing any gear.

Y/N: What the hell? is he a supervisor of something?

????: Starting today you are all the same and as I'm sure you have noticed by now there are a mix of Eldian's and Marley's in this Unit and like it or not you will all be a team! *Recruits start to murmur loudly and protest their disagreement* 

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