The Fall of Shiganshina

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Y/N is sitting on the roof watching the 3 bullies beating the hell out of Armin for wanting to go outside the walls and see the world, Y/N liked Armin for sticking to his beliefs but was slowly realizing that Armin wasn't even going to try to fight back.

Y/N: *Sigh* Well at least I have a good excuse for why I got to beat them to a pulp if anyone catches me 

Y/N Jumps off the building and lands standing right behind the Blonde hair boy who ran into him at the stall.

Blonde: W-what the hell where did you just come from- *Gets cut off by Y/N back-handing the boy into the Silver Hair boy next to them*

"He is with the Heretic LET'S GET HIM!" Shouted the Silver hair boy while still holding up this Blonde friend who is still in a daze from the slap.  The Fat boy tries in vein to punch Y/N in the head while he isn't looking only to be grabbed and tipped over easily by Y/N.  The Silver haired boy who had apparently dropped his Blonde friend much to Y/N amusement pullies his right arm back and swings it at Y/N still open face but Y/N saw it coming from a mile (or kilometers away for anyone who doesn't use imperial system lol) and calming held his closed fist out for the boys fist to come into contact with only to be meant with a satisfying crack from the Silver hair bully fist that was no match for Y/N fist.

Silver Hair kid: AHHHHHHHHH he broke my hand 

Y/N: *Says nothing with a Smug smile on his face*

The Blonde however apparently recovered and took his chance to shove his friend out of the way and with all the power he could muster go for a Haymaker Right hook that connected with Y/N face.  "HAHA take that you bastard no one get a cheap shot on me!" Y/N just calming looks back at him even with the fist on his cheek he didn't move and kept smiling.  "Is that all?" Y/N said with a crazed look. "MONSTER!" Shouted the Blonde as he pulled back his fist again and brought it full force to Y/N face.  However Y/N was getting bored of this and just headbutt the Blonde bully's fist with 3 distinct cracks. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" shouted the Boy much to Y/N annoyance, but before Y/N could do anything the fat boy that FINALLY got back to his feet and not really rushed but ran at Y/N and started pushing him back into the wall near Armin.

Y/N didn't really know what the fat kid was trying to do other then try to pin him to the wall but he noticed Armin looking at him with wide eyes.  "How have you been?" Y/N asked Armin "A-are you ok?" asked Armin.  Y/N didn't answered but just rolled his eyes and gave him a cocky smile before grabbing the Fat boys arms and started pushing him back easier than even he expected.

"You freak what the hell are you!?" asked the Fat boy who looked at Y/N with terror in his eyes. Y/N couldn't explain this feeling but he loved it the fear the terror in this opponents eyes he can practically hear the fat kids heart beat from his chest but that could've been from the sudden movement that he probably isn't used to.  None the less all good things had to come to a end Y/N felt the Fat kid try to get out of his grip but Y/N wasn't done yet he started to spin with the fat bully until he just lifts off the ground and Y/N threw him (Not to hard) into the other bullies who were still trying to recover from the broken fingers/wrist they had no time to react to their friend coming towards them and they collided into each other and are all now on the ground in pain.

Y/N: *Still smiling* Now what did we learn today boys?

Blonde: *shaking in fear* P-P-P-Please no more I'm sorry.

Silver: We won't mess with him ever again just please let us go.

Y/N eyes turn Purple for a moment as he hears the voice again.  "SHOW THESE FOOL NO MERCY AND KILL THEM LET ME SHOW EVERYONE WHY YOU DON'T MESS WITH ME!" Shouted the voice making Y/N grab onto his head "No you are a monster,  you wouldn't stop until everyone in the walls were dead and that is not our mission so shut up and leave me alone."  "COWARD!" Y/N looked away to Armin for a moment and back to the bullies.  "If I ever see you all again I won't stop until you all can't even walk back home again, do I make myself clear?" asked Y/N "YES SIR" all 3 of the bullies shout before they clumsily get up and run back the way they came.

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