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3rd Person POV:

Y/N is seen banging his head on his desk in pure frustration because of the woman named Ymir who is chained up in the the room next to his she has been very uncooperative and every time he tries to show he mean no harm by taking the chains off of her she starts to lash out and escape and to prevent her from turning into a titan he has had to gag her in addiction to tying her up only removing the gag when he tries to talk with her but that doesn't go well either, this has been going on for about 5 hours.

Y/N: *Thinking* This is getting me nowhere quick and I'm not sure how much more of this I can handle this before I snap and just kill her and deal with the consequence later.


Y/N: God Dammit... *Stands up and walks to the room where Ymir is being kept* What is is Ymir?


Y/N: *Sighs takes out the gag* 

Ymir: About dam time you asshole do you have any idea how uncomfortable that is?

Y/N: Yes, now what is it?

Ymir: I need to use the bathroom

Y/N:.... Alright listen I'm tired of listening to your insults and dealing with you so I'm just gonna be honest with you.  The only reason why you are still alive is because I need to figure out why you have that titan and what you know about the two anomalies and once I figure that out I don't have any reason to keep you in here so let's make a deal..... You answer my question,  and I let you go

Ymir: WOOOOOW finally being honest with me are you how sweet, and here I was starting to think that you were never gonna commit to me fully. *Sarcastic grin goes across her face further pissing off Y/N*

Y/N:.... Do we have a deal or not?  I'm not supposed to mess with or interfere with you guys but no one needs to know I did this.

Ymir: *Serious* Like I told you before I don't know anything about that stupid thing and wasn't even awake to see another freak and I didn't choose to be this thing it just kind of happened.

Y/N:  So you just happen to be exactly where they both were?  and what do you mean you didn't have choice aren't you a warrior?

Ymir: NO I was never in the Warrior thing I was a traitor that they turned and I spent decades suffering for it.

Y/N.... what did it say?

Ymir: Huh?

Y/N:  The mask, what did it say that made you put it on?

Ymir:  None of your dam business more importantly WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT THING???? a living mask are you kidding me?  if humans and Titans weren't enough already now we have whatever the fuck that thing is!?

Y/N: ya ya I know a lot to take in and you don't even know a fraction of it, but enough of that I don't really care what it told you to put it on what I do care about is why you took it off?  That thing is very manipulative and usually turns people brain dead, but you were able to resist it and take it off how?

Ymir:.... I heard your voice, and it made me realize it was just trying to use me for it own gain and didn't want to help me save her...

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