The Mask part 2

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Mask: Hello there!


Mask: Now that's just rude. Do you have any idea how long I was trapped in that coffin? No one to talk to... NO ONE TO PLAY WITH!

Y/N: No I don't but you are going to be going back in there where you can't cause chaos and hurt innocent people! In the name of the SCP Federation as the Captain of the Omega Squad I hereby Order you to surrender and return peacefully! *Thoughts* why do I even bother, they never take the deal.

Mask: SCP Federation? oh that right I'm not there anymore now I have to deal with you pretenders. They were a Idiotic bunch like you guys, but at least they didn't send actual kids to do their dirty work. How old are you champ 12? HAHA

Y/N: 13 and what do you mean "deal with us pretenders?" Is there another organization out there that hunts your kind?

Mask: That doesn't matter anymore. What does matter is that I haven't had a good opportunity to stress test this body yet, and I get the feeling that this one is very special. *Begins doing some stretches*

Y/N: Special how-

Y/N didn't have time to finish because the mask while stretching he ended up grabbing the broken cross and threw it and Y/N who dodge it and started making his way towards the vile thing and threw a punch with the mask caught and retaliated with a knee to his groin. "FUCK" screamed Y/N and he took a step back only to receive a punch from the Mask. All is fair in love and war my friend- he didn't have time to finish as Y/N kicked the Mask in the stomach sending him back a few meters.

Y/N: I was trained that way. I just didn't think that you would use that tactic. *Thoughts* I just need to wait for his host to melt away and then he should be easy to capture- wait somethings wrong, she is covered in that Vile liquid but she doesn't seem to be that affected and is that steam coming off of her! WHY ISN'T YOUR HOST MELTING?

Mask: Hmm? oh that I was wondering if you were gonna notice that, she is melting but she just REGENERATING FASTER THEN I CAN MELT HER!

[The Mask charged in for another attack and tried to kick Y/N in the head but Y/N did a back and spring and pulled out the chain from his cloak and threw the ball end at the Mask knocking it on it's ass with a gash on its chest but it started steaming and healed as if nothing happened. "Oh no" Y/N said and he began to spin the ball end in his right hand while holding his scythe in his left. "Oh YES and I wonder what would happen if I were to transform right here and right now?" the Mask said in a sarcastic tone only to be answered by the end. Ball ended up hitting his face and being sent across the ground and into a wall. "What makes you think I'm gonna let you do that" Y/N said while opening his eyes revealing his right Eye was almost glowing purple while glaring at the mask. "Simple, YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE" Shouted the Mask as he stabbed himself with a sharp rock on the ground causing lightning to surround the mask and transform it into a titan, but something is wrong.]


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