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Y/N: *thoughts* God Dammit now what?

The Mother: Hello? Dr are you alright?

Dr. Yeager: Y-yes sorry I just remembered something important I need to do later.  Anyways where is your son Ms. Sera I have the medicine. *Starts walking to the sons room*

Y/N: *Still thoughts* Well he definitely recognized me but how?  As far as 99% of the world knows I'm dead or never existed to begin with?  I should question him later but right now I need to focus on getting that bowl back and then making my next decision for dealing with the MASK and THE OLD MAN and get them both secured.  After Y/N thought that he noticed that Dr. Yeager and Sera were walking up to him the 

Sera: This is Y/N he should have the money for the medicine.

Dr. Yeager: That is quite generous of you young man.

Y/N: Guess again I'm only doing this for our deal here. *Hands money*

Dr. Yeager: Well none the less not everyone would keep their end of a deal.

Y/N waved off the Dr praise and looked at Sera with his hand held out expecting the bowl but was surprised when he received a hug from her. "You don't know how much this mean to us" She say into Y/N ear while he just awkwardly hug and patted her back unsure of what to say until she breaks the hug and hands Y/N the bowl.  

Y/N: Um thanks, I hope your son gets well soon.

Sera: Thanks I hope that bowl was worth it all. 

Dr. Yeager: Wow that is a very nicely designed bowl where did you get it?

Y/N: From Sera just now?

Dr. Yeager: *Awkward chuckle* I mean why did you spend all that money just for this bowl?  Ms. Sera was telling me how you spent nearly a entire pouch of gold coins and this fee what could possibly be so important about this bowl that you would spend a small fortune on it?

Sera: It's not a normal bowl it can-*get cut off by Y/N*

Y/N: IT IS A FAMILY HEIR LOOM *Give Sera a shut the hell up look*

Dr. Yeager: I-I see well I'm glad you got it back and I hope you have a wonderful day.

Just as Dr. Yeager was walking away Y/N called to him "HEY". Dr. Yeager turned to him without saying anything.  "Do you have a son?  and is his name Eren by any chance?" said Y/N. Dr. Yeager eyes went wide in shock and stammered "h-how did you know?".  "We have a common friend and he told me about Eren and his adopted sister." Dr. Yeager looked at Y/N with a unreadable face.  "Tell me Dr. are you my enemy?" *Serious face*  I hope not replied Dr. Yeager as he continued to walk away.

Y/N just stood there for a moment before remembering where he was and thanked Ms. Sera again before walking back to his Base and waiting for another letter from his Boss. 

1 day later

Y/N was eating from SCP 348 (He scrapped his arm while training) when suddenly a pigeon flew in and landed on the table in-front of him.  "That is disgusting I'm literally eating right here." then he noticed the paper the bird was carrying.

" then he noticed the paper the bird was carrying

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