1st Assignment

94 4 0

4 A.M

Commander: *Shakes Y/N violently until you wake up* Rise and shine sunshine you have 10 minutes to be ready and make it to debriefing otherwise you will lose whatever you wanted to bring.

Y/N: Gooodmuronignslr *you slurred*

Commander: Shut up and get your shit together *Leaves*

You roll out of bed onto the floor with a loud thud, When you get up you look over to see Reiner Passed out and drool coming out of his mouth while Bertholdt was sleeping on his shoulder blades feet and legs in the air and Arms making a X sign. What the hell does this kid dream about? You think to yourself. You quickly get dressed and then run outside to your sweet little attic and grab your cloak, your weapon and the rest of the goodies from a few days ago and go back to meet your Commander.

Commander: Your EARLY

Y/N: Sorry sir?

Commander: You should be!  Now before you leave Captain Zeke wants to talk with you, NOW GET MOVING

Y/N: I can't wait to get out of here. You thought as you ran off to Zeke's office.

***.....Knock Knock Kock....***

Zeke: Come in *You walk into his office and give him another lazy half assed salute.*

Y/N: Commander said you wanted to See me before I leave?

Zeke: Yes I did, Please sit.

*Sits down across from Zeke*

Y/N: So Captain Sir boss man what can I help you with before we probably never see each other again? * Gives cheeky grin*

Zeke: Well I have a few questions for you.. I have been asking around and using everything I am able to get and use and even as a Captain and War chief of the Warriors, yet I can't find anything about where and what you are being assigned to?

Y/N: Hell, I think I'm being assigned to hell.

Zeke: No if that were the case they would make you a Warrior Candidate but that's obviously not the case and I can't for the life of me think of a reason why.  You are hands down the strongest and most skilled Warrior probably in this entire base and you would easily become the best and maybe even take the Title of War Chief from me but they aren't doing that. Something strange is going on and I think you know more than you are letting on.

Y/N: 1. Yes I know some things.  2. I have rejected becoming part of the Warrior Unit multiple times and even with the way Marley treats Eldian's they aren't desperate enough to turn me into possibly the strongest titan only for me to use it against them.  As for what I know it's really not much more than you know just that I will be joining some off the books special team full of special people and we will be assigned to taking "Things" out whenever they tell us to.

Zeke: Things?....  Interesting. They didn't say Titans or Eldian's or Even other nations?

Y/N: They said maybe we would be going after other nations but not in a war like situation and sometimes people but no I wasn't told anything about Titans.

Zeke: That's really shady even for Marley.

*Dead silence for a few moments*

Y/N: You hate them two don't you? I see the way you act and even though I can't read your mind I can see the gears in your head turning, almost like you're making a plan to get back at Marley in some way.


Y/N: Ha ha ha don't worry I won't tell anyone I hate Marley even more- (Gets cut off by Zeke)

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