The beginning

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Dahlia Heyward: also known as you! Dahlia is stunning, passionate, ambitious, loyal, only nice to people she finds interesting, clever, determined, and of course she is resourceful!

Draco Malfoy: hot, ambitious, determined. Power-hungry, can be energetic at times, only nice to his friends or people he likes (even then it is rare) funny, mysterious, can be loyal (depending on the person)

Harry Potter: the 'chosen' one, brave, loyal, kind, outgoing, charismatic, open minded, funny, can be smart but also completely oblivious.

The rest of the main characters

The Weasley twins, Hermione, Ron, and the Slytherin group.
There are of course more characters but they are not main characters and don't exactly matter right now!

              Background. Dahlias pov!

I grew up in a stable home, my parents were supportive and had great jobs. Everything changed as soon as i got my letter to hogwarts. They told me that if i had decided to go to hogwarts they would never forgive me. I always told them that I didn't understand why they met at Hogwarts and they always seemed so happy, until...the letter.

I was curious, so i apologized and told them i needed to grow up in a place with other people, specifically my age. They reluctantly agreed, i was beyond happy and thanked them so many times.

When i got to hogwarts they stopped talking to me which i didn't understand, i got into slytherin and made some friends. I wasn't much of a people person, neither were my friends, Aside from Pansy. Me and Pansy are very close, she is the only person who had known that early in first year i had fallen for Fred Weasly.

I still like Fred even after two almost three years of being here, if my parents found out I like Weasley...they would surely disown me.

This is my third year at hogwarts. Harry Potter has always been the talk of the wizarding word, including draco. At some point i assumed that draco likes Harry, i never told Draco but i know he likes Harry, Draco never stops talking about him.

After my parents stopped talking to me i moved in with Draco's family, his mom, Narcissa is the best, his dad, not. Draco is like a brother to me, he's there when I need him and I'm here when he needs me. Cissa told me I could call her mom, I felt a little awkward calling her mom so I didnt call her that.

This is the story that's on my TikTok, I hope you guys are enjoying the story! Love you!

A fatal love- dahlia haywardWhere stories live. Discover now