Part 10|

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At the astronomy tower. Draco's pov
When I got up to the astronomy tower I saw Dahlia sitting on the edge, looking at the sight below. I could hear her sniffling, she snapped her head my way.

"I don't want to talk." She said calmly. "And you don't have to, may I sit with you?" I ask.
"I don't own the tower Draco, of course you can." She spits.

I slowly walk over to the edge and sit down next to her. "It's so pretty...the water, the trees, the bridge. This whole place really...except for the people." She whispers.
I stay quiet, I don't know what to say.

"I mean, look at Dumbledore-pfff he's done a hell of a job directing this school right? All these shitty kids, all they do is drink, smoke, cheat." She continues, her voice breaks a bit.

"Fred and pansy snogged...maybe worse." She says quietly. What. the. actual. fuck?
"How would you know that?" I ask carefully. "I saw hickeys on Fred's neck and their plump pink lips." She says. "I'm so sorry-" "don't be, it doesn't matter now. They chose the path they wanted to go down-" "but you deserve to hurt Dahlia-" "no I don't! If I hurt now...I'll never stop hurting Draco. And you know damn well that's not fair to me." She sighs. "I know, but you can't pretend it doesn't hurt Dal." I say softly. "I can try though" she says, I hold her hand. "That's okay, just promise you'll let me be here for won't push me away." I beg.

"I won't push you away Dray, I'll let you be here for me. But don't treat me like I'll break any moment, that will just make me want to break more. And I want to be here for you too." She says after a moment. "Okay" I say.

"Wanna go to my room?" I ask. "I'm gonna stay here for a while, I'll come later though" she says. "Okay, get me if you need me." I say.

You/ Dahlias pov
Draco's right, I can't let myself push him out just because I'm hurt, that's not fair to him. But I'm so hurt, although I'm trying not to show it I'm in so much pain, I mean I just caught my ex and probably ex best friend making out. Or like I said, worse.
I'm scared, I don't want to loose pansy nor Fred, but the way Fred treated me and the fact that pansy went behind my back with Adrian, I just cant forgive either of them.

I just want to forget everything that happened. I want things to go back to the way they were. Fred and I were so happy, and I was trying to help pansy through her Adrian problems. I probably would've forgiven pansy if Fred didn't react the way he did, and if they didn't walk into the great hall like they didn't just do something.

At the great hall. Fred's pov
When I walk in I see Dahlia sitting next to Draco, of course she is. They probably slept together last night, little does she know I already got her back.

"Hey, Fred! You and Dahlia must've had fun last night, huh?" Says George. "What are you talking about?" I spat. "You've got hickeys all up the side of your neck Freddie" he says. "Did you and Dahlia do it then?" Ron asks. "No we didn't, we broke up. Me and pansy did." I smirk at the thought. Damn this break up has changed me more than I thought. "Oh..." George and Ron say at the same time.

I turn over to look at Dahlia but she's already left, Draco walks off from the table and out the door. Odd. They're probably going to go snogg, not that I care...

"Fred, exactly when did you and Dahlia break up?" Hermione asks. "Last night." I say bluntly, everyone's mouths drop. "What? We're both over it anyway. She slept with Malfoy last night so I slept with her best friend." I add. "Did she tell you she slept with Malfoy? I mean do you even know if she actually wanted to break up?!" Hermione almost shouts. "No she didn't, I haven't talked to her since last night. She sounded like she wanted to break up, she was pretty mad." I say. "Well Fred most girls don't actually mean what they say when they're mad, and why was she mad? What did you do? And how would you know she didn't sleep with Malfoy if she didn't even tell you?" Hermione asks.

"Uhm...well a lot happened." I say, I start to explain everything that happened. "Then I said that I think she over reacted-because that's what I think- she said how I was so worried about pansy but what about her. She said that I was defending pansy and whatever. I said that it's not always about her and that all she was talking about is how he abused her and how yes that is messed up but like her best-friend was heartbroken even more so because the way she reacted." I say.

"Okay Fred. You really fucked up." Hermione sighs, she gets up and walks off.
"I agree." Harry and Ron say, also walking off. "Whatever you guys weren't there!" I shout. "That's bullshit" George says, he looks at me and starts to walk away with the others. "George you too?" I shout and run up to him. "You've got to be absolutely mad if you think that what you said and did wasn't messed up at the least. You really hurt her, I can't even believe I'm related to you." He scoffs, with that everyone walks off.

"What are you looking at?!" I shout at everyone in the hall, I walk off to the common room.

At the astronomy tower. Dahlias pov
"Uhm...Dahlia? May I speak with you?" I hear a soft voice say. I move my head in their direction and see...Hermione Granger? "Uh yeah sure, what's up?" I ask.

"Look, what Fred did to you was beyond messed up and everyone made sure he knew that. Well not everyone but me, Harry, Ron, and even George. He told us all the story, he thinks you slept with Malfoy." She says. "Well thank you guys. I didn't sleep with Draco, he's one of my best friends and Fred knows that. But what I do know is that...Fred slept with Pansy, am I correct?" I ask, my heart is beating overly fast now. "I hate to be the one to tell you this but, yes he did." She sighs.

"Of course." I say, all hope I had, it's surely gone now. "Thank you Hermione but I have to go now." I say, she nods and I quickly walk off.

I fucking knew it. I start uncontrollably crying. I can't believe they would actually do that. I run through the halls feeling the need to escape, I need to go somewhere I just don't know where. As I keep running I end up running into...Fred.

"Well shit" I cry.

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