Part 6|

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At the dorm, your pov!

When I get into the dorm I see pansy is awake. "Heyy!" She smiles. "Hey! Sorry I didn't wake you, I just figured you wouldn't wake up and-" I start to say. "It's ok, I definitely wouldn't have woken." She smiles, but it's not her usual seems fake. "Are you ok?" I ask.

"Uhm yeah..." she says after a moment. "You seem, sad, Quieter?" I say. "Well...I had this thing, with a guy, and I didn't tell you cause I didn't know what it was yet. But he just told me we can't be a fling anymore, I really like him." She says, Almost crying. "Oh pans..." I say, I feel bad for her, she's been through so much this year and she needs a boyfriend or something. "Come here." I say pulling her in for a hug. "Thank you." She cry's into my shoulder. "Anytime pansy" I say.

After a little while pansy ends up falling asleep in my arms, I slowly shake her a bit since it's lunch time. "Pans...wake up, it's lunch time" I whisper. "Okay." She gets up, slowly, but when she does she gives me a small smile.

After lunch

Lunch was okay, there was a lot of talking between everyone, I just stayed quiet. I then get a text from Fred

I quickly get a couple of things together and throw them in a small bag, and run to Fred's

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I quickly get a couple of things together and throw them in a small bag, and run to Fred's. Literally, I ran.

At Fred's

Fred sneaks me into the gryffindor common room successfully...although we were very loud, laughing.

His dorm is nice...he shares it with George but he isn't here right now.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asks. "Yeah!!" I smile.

For the rest of the night we watch movies and cuddle up.

Over the next 3-ish months

Me and Fred go on multiple dates, which were fun! But over the past few weeks I've felt him slip away a bit...everything was going good, but we haven't talked as much these past few weeks. I decide to text Fred, we need to talk, this is getting a little tiring.

 I decide to text Fred, we need to talk, this is getting a little tiring

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We need to talk, so that's what I'm going to do.

At Fred's dorm, Fred's pov!

She's been pulling away from me...I can feel it. I really really like her, but with every word I feel her pull away further. I know why she pulls away, every girl does...I'm just not enough. But she's not like every girl...she's so much better. I just can't give her what she needs, and I think everyone knows that. I love her...and i know she loves me. We just won't work.

"Fred?" I hear a knock at the door. "Hey" I smile, she looks beautiful today. "Hi" she smiles back, progress...?

"I'm just going to say it all right now. The last few months have been amazing truly." Here we's a breakup isn't it. Fuck. "But, I have felt you completely started drifting away...I understand why. I mean I am not even close to good enough, and as much as I love you i don't think it's working out. I feel like no matter how hard I try I'm not good enough for you, and that is totally one sided, you haven't done a thing to make me feel that way...I just know I'm never going to be enough. I keep telling myself this feeling will go away, it hasn't, and I hate it. I love you so much and I fucking hate it, I hate how I feel like I'm not enough. I want to be with you so badly but I feel like if I got closer to you - closer than I already am- I could completely and utterly ruin you...I don't want that Freddie. I really don't" she cries after a moment. "Darling..." I say, I feel bad cause I feel that pain, I really feel it. "One more minute, I'm not breaking up with you- and I don't plan to- but I'm scared that the more I feel like this the more it's going to drive us away." She whispers.

"Unfortunately I feel the same exact way darling, I don't think it's fair for either of us. But we can work on it." I say, hoping there is something to help us. "How?" She asks, her voice breaking. "I dont know but we will figure it out, I promise." I say. "Okay.." she sniffles. "Come here." I say, she comes over and for the rest of the night we lay in silence. not letting go of each other,
Fearing the separation.

Damn you guys...this hits differently. 😭

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