Part 2|

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At dinner. Freds pov!

I cant take my eyes off of her, shes infatuating, shes stunning, kind, funny, shes everything i want, yet i dont actually deserve her.

"Whats up Freddie? You seem to have a crush on that girl over there? Hmmm...its Dahlia, right?" he chuckles seeing my flustered reaction. "Oh um i need to talk to you about that. Dont tell anyone but me and her...we decided to date. But we want it to be kept more quiet, so only people close to us know. Please Georgie...dont tell anyone."i beg. "Really? Shes quite pretty and nice...seems youve got yourself a keeper Fred, dont loose her. i wont tell, promise."he says, making me smile. "Thank you George, i know...she just so fascinating right?" i ask. "yeah...i guess" he says looking over at her, then at me, and then at harry, my brother and hermione.

I see Dahlia get up and walk towards me, when she gets over she whispers into my ear, "whatever this is" she signals between me and her "george is not tell him...keep. His. eyes. Off. your. Girlfriend."she smirks, she goes to walk away when i pull her back, whispering in her ear. "Dont worry darling...your all mine" i say, smirking. She blushes, slowly walking back to her table, looking back at me a couple of times. "O0o0o0o" George says, i slap his arm.

"DoNt WoRrY dArLiNg...YoUr ALL mInE" he mocks me. "Shut it George" i say smiling. " seems our brother is finally happy." George says. "Hm?" ron says shoving food
in his mouth. George looks at me at smiles, i smile back.

I think he's right. I am happy.

Back at Dahlia's dorm. Dahlias pov!

I lay back on my bed, still happy about earlier with the Fred thing. God he's hot, and nice, and way to funny, hes everything i want...but i dont deserve him. Im so lost in thought that i dont even see him right in front of me.

"Thinking about me darling?" he asks. "Fred! Yeah...i am" i smirk to myself. "Thats okay darling...i want you to think of me. My pretty girl. I cant believe your finally mine, i mean after all these years. I guess three really is the lucky try." he says smiling, i think he was trying to say the third try always works or something, i dont know.

"Fred...wanna have like a reading date? Like we choose a book, and we can take turns reading chapters, it'll be a good excuse for more dates" i shrug. "Yeah? What happens when we are done the book?" he asks, hugging me from behind. "We get a new one silly." i giggle. "Mmm...i like that idea." he chuckles, planting a kiss on my right cheek. "Me too!" i smile.

Dahlias thoughts.

Tomorrow me and Fred are going to pick out a book to read. I cant wait.
I also cant believe hes finally mine, after all these years, my crush, the person ive obsessed over for three years, and we are finally together. Im so happy. I hope tomorrow is just as fun as today was. But im a little nervous...especially because i have to face snape later. I skipped his class today so i will probably get detention, but so will Fred so thats something to kind of look forward to i think!

A fatal love- dahlia haywardWhere stories live. Discover now