Part 9|

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Draco's pov
Dahlia finally fell asleep after I got her to calm down a bit, she was heart broken.

I feel so bad...he was being a complete asshole and she didn't deserve any of it, she was hurt about everything and he literally just made it worse.

The next morning
I woke up before Dahlia, it was Monday so I should probably wake her for classes.

I decided to take a quick shower, then I would wake her up.

After I got out of the shower I quickly get dressed and go to wake up Dal, but I'm stopped when I hear a knock on the door.

I open the door and see Harry Pottah standing there. "What are you doing here?!" I ask, I shove him out of the door frame and close the door behind me.

"I-I just needed to talk to you about something" he says."Well go on" I spat. "I think I like you Draco." He whispers.

What? He likes me? As if.

"You what?" I question. "You heard me." He says. "Yeah I'm not doing this." I say, I open the door and quickly close it, avoiding anymore contact with him.

Dahlias pov
When I woke up I didn't see Draco in the room, I just assumed he had gotten breakfast without me.

I got up out of bed and went to go to the bathroom as I see Draco coming in the room and quickly closing the door, his hair is wet and he smells amazing...he took a shower for sure.

"Draco? Where were you?" I ask, shaking the thoughts out of my mind. "Nothing. Pottah had a question for me." He says, I almost see steam blowing out of his ears with how pissed off he looks. "I'm assuming that it wasn't a good question?" I say. "Nope" he says, he goes and lays back on the bed. "If you want to take a shower go ahead, I'll leave some of my clothes on the sink." He says. "Okay, thank you dray" I smile. "You're welcome" he says with a small smile.

I decided to take a shower given I feel like shit. When I got out of the shower I looked at the sink and saw no clothes there...but Draco said he would leave clothes there?
I look around the bathroom and see no clothes. Well fuck

I quickly take a towel and wrap up in it. "Draco you forgot about clothes!" I shout. No answer. "Draco!" I shout again but louder. No answer. I hope he is asleep.

I quietly open the bathroom door and sneak to the dresser, I grab a pair of grey sweatpants and a black T-shirt. Thank god he didn't wake up

After I got dressed I snuck to his bed and laid down in the corner. I'm skipping class today screw it.

Later that day
I wake up to Draco shaking me lightly.
"What?" I whine. "It's dinner get up, we slept pass classes too" he says. "Not getting up, I didn't want to go to class anyway." "fine do you want me to bring you somthing to eat?" "No" " you need to eat Dahlia" "not hungry" we fight back and forth.

"Dahlia Hayward if you don't get up right now then I will fucking crucio you! You need food c'mon" he spits. "Harsh, whatever" I say getting up. "Well then I suggest you eat, then I won't be so harsh." He says. "Ok" I reply.

When we get to the great hall all eyes land on us. Odd.

Me and Draco sit down at the table away from the group, I just want to be alone, I don't want to talk to anyone but Draco today. Unfortunately my wish did not come true.

Pansy and Fred walked in the hall one after another, Pansy had the darkest eye bags, Fred looked the same as usual just a little Wait a minute.

I look at Pansy again and see her lips are plump and her hair is quite messy, I look at Fred again seeing his lips red and a couple hickeys scattered across his neck. I didn't do who did? way. Not my best friend and ex boyfriend as of last night!

I quickly ran out of the hall with no explanation, I couldnt stay. I couldn't explain to Draco that my best friend and ex boyfriend were snogging...or worse.

Draco's pov
I look up and see her gone, she ran off. To where though? And why? 

I thought hard before I knew exactly where she would be. The astronomy tower.

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