Part 1|

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       The previous day.  Dahlia's pov!

Yesterday everyone came to school and Dumbledore gave his speech to the first years, the usual.

This morning i woke up, ready for the day. I got dressed and added the simplest makeup. I went to breakfast, Pansy following me. She was utterly tired (she went to bed at one am) that girl never fails to surprise me.

We sat down at the table next to me, Draco on my other side, her crush Mattheo in front of me, Blaise infront of her, Tom next to Mattheo, and Enzo next to Tom, i wonder where Theo is? After breakfast Me, Enzo, Draco, and Tom head to our first class, transfiguration. I was overly excited when i found out that Fred had transfiguration first too.

When we get to class i sit down in the back, Enzo and Mattheo on either side of me, Tom and Blaise behind us. Fred walks in and looks over at me, smiles, and sits down in front of me. I am screaming internally, my palms are sweating and my face flushes red.

"Are you ok?" Enzo asks. "What?! Oh! y- yeah!" i stutter. "Is this about Fred? HUH, you like him don't you!" he whisper shouts. "WHAT?!! NO!!! No." i say, trying to be quiet. "Sure" he chuckles. "Please don't tell anyone" I beg. " I won't," he smiles. "Thank you" i say.

Later at defense against the dark arts. Still Dahlia's pov!

I go to walk into class but I'm stopped by someone pulling my arm away. I turn around quickly and almost walk into...Fred, he's the one who pulled me aside?! "I saw you looking at me earlier" he says.

"You were sitting right in front of me" i say. "Is that the only reason why?" he smirks. "No..." i say, trying to avoid eye contact. "Yeah? Hey would you like to maybe go for a walk? Around the Quidditch pitch?" he asks. "Sure!"i smile.

On the walk. Dahlia's pov!
We start talking about classes and what we think of them so far, he asks me how i like my first day and i answer, "well it's okay, but i don't really know how i like defense because i'm with you right now".

"And tell me, Dahlia, would you rather be there, or here...with me?" he asks. "Here...with you" I smile. "That's right...with me" he smiles, i laugh. I get a message and check my phone, it's from enzo.

Hey! Where are you? Fred isn't here either. HA you two are on a datee! He says.

He is so annoying, but we are best friends and we have been for a long time so i put up with it cause i love him.

No, we are just taking a walk around the pitch, don't be silly. He could never actually like me like that, I'm not his type. I type back, it's true, there's no way he actually likes me...not the way i want him to.

  "Who are you texting?" he jokes. "Just enzo" I smile. "Just enzo...hmm...does he know he is named "just enzo" it not like that?" he says. "No, he's just my friend," I say, smiling. "Good, at least just Enzo knows how you truly feel about me...right?" he smiles. "Oh-um...what do you mean-" I start to say but I'm cut off.

"How do you know what my type is? And that you're not my type...which would be a lie?" he smiles. "Well i thought that...i don't know.'' I sigh. " know...i'm not going to lie, i like you Dahlia. I really like you. I get this silly feeling everytime you look at me, and anytime you smile at me the feeling grows, I always catch myself staring at you. You are so nice, funny and kind" he says. "Really?" I ask. "Yes really" he smiles. "Well, obviously I like you too. But what happens now?" I ask. "Keep it lowkey? Tell our closest friends and let people figure it out themselves? As in, date?" he asks. "Uhm...sure!" I smile. "Ok!" he smiles.

A fatal love- dahlia haywardWhere stories live. Discover now