Part 8|

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At the astronomy tower
When I finally get up to the astronomy tower (which is fast cause I ran as fast as I possibly could) I start hyperventilating. Usually I would drink some water, and pansy or Enzo would be here with me...but they're not.

After a few minutes the feeling goes away and I'm able to calm myself down. Just as I'm about to leave the tower a tall dark figure comes up from the stairs. When their eyes meet mine I realize it's Draco. "Draco oh my godness" I say, I run up to him pulling him in for a hug. "You okay, dal?" He asks. "No, but I'll survive." I whisper. "Wanna talk about it" he asks. "Can I just stay here for a few?" I ask. "Of course" he chuckles.

In the astronomy tower, talking to Draco

"Im ready to talk about it." I whisper, I'm obviously still nervous but I should tell someone how I feel.

"Okay, go ahead" he says.

"So uhm...Pansy got with Adrian. That was the guy she was always hanging out with. And I'm scared I just fucked everything up. She was saying how she was just a bet from him and his friends, I didn't know that he guy was Adrian so I asked who it was and she told me. I started flipping out on her and started crying or whatever. I told her how sad it made me, especially because he was the person who was harming me, both physically and mentally when we were together. Then I slammed the door and came here" I say sadly.

Draco's pov
"I fucked up Draco" she cries in my shoulder.

"Wait, I don't understand how you fucked up when she's the one who fucked around with your abusive ex? I mean yes you were harsh but you couldn't help it, you were beyond hurt." I say, I truly can't comprehend how she thinks this is her fault. Pansy is the one who decided to sleep with him knowing that he abused Dahlia.

"I don't know, but Fred was there and he saw the whole thing. He probably won't want to be with me now, and pansy probably won't be my friend." She sobs.

"Can I stay in your dorm tonight? I can't possibly go to either dorms tonight." She sighs. "Of course. And don't stress about it too much, you'll find out tomorrow, and if you want my opinion which you probably don't. But I don't think you should be friends with pansy, I mean she fucked up, like royally and in like the most terrible way." I say as nice as possible.

"I know. Can we just go to your dorm now?" She asks. "Yes" I say, helping her up from the ground.

Dahlias pov
As we walk down the tower stairs I get a wave of relief, I'm so thankful that Draco is letting me stay with him tonight.

"Dahlia? Draco?" I hear a familiar voice say.

No, no, no. Fred. I can't do this tonight.
I turn around taking a deep breath in.

"Where are you going?" Fred asks.
"I'm going to Draco's dorm tonight." I say.
"Why?" He asks. "Because I don't want to go back to...Pansy right now, I can't" I say.
"Why not, I think you're making a big deal about this Dahlia, she's hurt" he says.

My heart shatters. Draco tenses up next to me, his heart going faster, he's getting pissed.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! God you are so worried about her but what about me huh?! He fucking abused me! She knew that, and she made that mistake of being with him. I honestly could fucking care less about her right now, she fucked up! And you defending her. I'm not surprised..." my voice drops to a whisper. He's being rude.

"It's not always about you Hayward! All you've been mentioning is that he abused you, yes that's fucked up but your best friend is in their fucking balling her eyes out because of how you reacted!" He shouts.

"Dahlia we need to go" Draco whispers.
"You and I are over Fred, fuck you!" I shout.

I run off and start sobbing, Draco chases after me.

"I can't fucking do this Draco, I can't!" I cry.
"I know Dal, I know. Come here" he says.
"can't- I c-c- I can't breathe Draco" I stutter out.

A fatal love- dahlia haywardWhere stories live. Discover now