A ..nice.. talk

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2 days after the funeral of RoyalMelon

"Danno, I'm better than you bitch!" riggy was cut off by danno

"hey! What did we say about swearing while we are filming?!" danno said angrily

"oh..we were still filming? My bad bitch-" riggy said while rolling his eyes

"really?....why are you like this" danno sighed and stood up and turned around but riggys voice was heard so danno turned to him with a confused face "yeah? What were you about to say..and before you say anything..you better not say anything bad or else ill leave and turn off the lights so it will be more difficult for you to see what you're doing!"

"thats you're best insult?" Riggy said with a sassy look but Danno just gave him a death stare

"Actually never mind I don't want to see what you can really do..anyway so ummmmm after this do you want to like idk hang out or something? Gosh it feels saying that"

"......s-sure.............thats it?" danno said more confused "hey are you still a clone or?..." danno chuckled after saying that "nah just joking but im a little confused why so nice suddenly? Hm?" danno seemed intrigued but riggy just stared at danno for some seconds

"idk just felt like getting maybe a coffee? Also don't you think im "nice" im just celebrating my victory of being smart and defeating my clone" Riggy said it very confident

"yeah sure buddy it isn't like you fell for a trick into getting cloned" Danno said then he laughed a bit while looking at the annoyed maybe angry face of Riggy

"fuck you bitch" Riggy then showed the middle finger so he was definitely pissed off, Danno was also getting a bit annoyed

" really!?" danno was getting more angry by the actions of riggy which was now showing both middle fingers while sticking out his tongue

"you know what? That's it have fun in the dark" danno walk out of the room and turned off all the lights

Leaving Riggy all alone in the dark...but luckily Riggy had a candle/light but he still decided to stay there just to think of a comeback, a prank

Quite a mistake

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