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Riggy dropped/sat at the graph paper, he began crying and thinking how it probably was his fault he died,and maybe that's how Pear felt when Melon died..

"Riggy? W-why are you crying, look im sorry for yesterday-" Riggy cut off Danno

"Preston d-died.." Riggy was pretty devasted (rare O: )

"excuse me what, h-how??" Dannow was confused but trying to be empathetic with Riggy "also why are you all beaten up? Wait.. did you fight him to death?" Danno was very confused

"n-no, we both went to kill The Boss because we woke up at night and told me we have advantages if we attack now so we went where he was aka the 2 facility fought him, first it was easy then he did managed to hit us, that's one of the main reason im like this, he accidentally hit the self-destruction button so we ran to a teleporting machine room since how weak we were our powers wouldn't work that great but the machine could only teleport one so he pushed me in, The Boss is dead but so is he..." Riggy explained quickly but Danno understood everything said, Danno comforted Riggy, and the next day Preston funeral was taken

[the funeral/next day]

Riggy wanted to finnish the funeral so everyone else said nice thing except pear

"all I know from Preston is that he is a shit head cause he trapped all of us but he is more terrible if he was friends with Riggy but since he did kill The Boss it levels because that motherfucker was worse" after Pear said that he laughed a little but Riggy wasn't happy (he was offended by pear offending him/Riggy)

When Riggys turn came he knew he wanted to make something funny and greater that pears talk so he came up with this

"R.I.P to Preston he went from a little motherfucker to another noble sacrifice all though unlike Melon he was atleast pretty and that is because he is smarter stronger and more beautiful since he is a clone of me" when Riggy said that everyone turned to Pear who was angry

They both fought until Danno grabbed Riggy and got out of there before things got worse

The ghost of clone riggy watched them leave while thinking in his head "classical Riggy but at least he did said I was better than RoyalMelon, meh"

The ghost of clone riggy watched them leave while thinking in his head "classical Riggy but at least he did said I was better than RoyalMelon, meh"

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[nobody can see his ghost ofc]

They all had a happy life cause The Boss was no more :D

[Yipe finally finished this, what else should I write? Idk ill think, im thinking something of the backrooms or making some ocs and making their backstories of a crazy ahh chat of either Riggy characters or my ocs]

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