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Riggy woke up and noticed that he still felt a soft pain from the scratch on the stomach he saw that The Boss entered the room with something in one of his hands, but he couldn't see quite well what it was.

"Nice to see you are awake, why don't we remove those bandages that the fight with you and Preston made?" The Boss left the thing in his hand on the desk and got close to Riggy and remove the bandages and surprisingly there was any scratches cause somehow Riggy can just heal quickly but Riggy saw with his scratched eye a bit blurry, but he ignored it.

"You heal fast, impressive what other things can you do?" The Boss seemed happy about the ability of healing fast Riggy had.

"well I can resist a lot of things like I got springlocked once and I only got a few cuts and cured in less than a week,I can size change like when I went to paris I was 4 feet tall, teleporting and teleport things and of course im good at acting" Riggy felt proud with his abilities

"oh wonderful then my new plan is gonna be awesome since yesterdays interview was rather boring I decided that why not try giving you a new use" The Boss reached to the desk and grabbed the thing and before Riggy could do anything The Boss quickly grabbed Riggy's arm to stop him from moving or leaving, now Riggy was scared then he felt a pain in his arm and realized that The Boss injected him

"what did you inject me..?" Riggy started feeling drowsy, seeing blurry and feeling numb

"oh nothing to worry about I mean seeing how badly you didn't want to hurt anyone for me forcefully I decided why not make you do it without knowing so it would kinda be like you're not in control of your body oh and don't worry you wont see any damage you will create" The Boss watched as Riggy passed out

[Riggy's pov kinda/what Riggy watched]

Riggy woke up falling or floating in a void, everything was cold and felt foolish of how a domino effect of not leaving the graph paper led to this and worried of what horrific things he would to just for The Boss but now his body was out of his control

[back at the idk what pov]

R̵̩̠̺̾̍ḭ̶̝͛g̴̪͆͆g̸̢͕̓̉y̶̢̥͓̓ Woke up now with a darker green eye color, The Boss succeeded at his plan, he had 1 clone and one controlled allowing him to make a plan only using them.... To attak everyone

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