It was not him..

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when C.R entered the kitchen Riggy was sleepwalking and had made where the knife were stored fall and he was also holding a knife

"HOLLY SHIT" C.R was in shock not knowing what to do but he realized that Riggy was about to throw the knife so he stepped away Riggy exited the kitchen and then threw the knife, the knife spined in the air then bounced off the wall and stabbed Riggy, that obviously waked him up and realise what happened and he got scared when he heard C.R

"SHIT, SHIT, SHIT WE NEED TO GET HELP AS SOON AS WE CAN THIS AINT GOOD" C.R stared at Riggy who somehow didn't seem to be scared.

"man im fine I promise I can survive quite a bit being stabbed so we can wait to see if I get dizzy but I swear im fin WOAH!" Riggy almost fell bu C.R cathed him

"dumbass told you, now sit on the floor! A SHIT NOW YOURE BLEEDING" C.R yelled in panic while seeing the knife in Riggys stomach starting to drip some blood

"oh shi-" someone entered his house who were Rory and Rosey who was making a call

".... RIGGY!" Rosey dropped her phone and rushed at Riggy then stood up and stared at C.R with just hatred in her eyes.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH, YOU STABBED RIGGY! OH YOU ABOUT TO GET A BEATING-" Rosey felt Riggy's arm, Riggy tried standing up

"Rosey! Clone Ri- I mean preston didn't do it! It was me-" Rosey interrupted Riggy

"YOU?! YOU STABBED YOURSELF?? W-WHY?!" Rosey was horrified

"Rosey you didn't let me finnish- augh anyway I was sleepwalking having a uhh nightmare so threw a knife but it bounced and stabbed me so it was technically me, ok?" Riggy was almost laughing

"guys here some bandages to I guess heal Riggy's wound?" Rory came back (nobody knew where he went) and tossed C.R the bandages

"we have to get the knife don't we...?" Riggy seemed a bit scared

"yes but it wont hurt...hopefully" C.R held part of the knife the pulled it out to wrap the wound and stop it from bleeding a lot more which worked

"Thanks guys also no im not going to explain the nightmare cause is private reasons and I don't always sleepwalk so I'll be fine" Riggy sounded a bit annoyed but luckily nobody asked for the nightmare

After a bit chit chatting Rory and Rosey left and C.r and Riggy were alon at his house, so he inflated a bed and put it near his bed just in case, so if Riggy did any shit C.R would be close to stop him


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