The questioning of everything

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"ok then I just wanted you to answer no so I could have a reason to do this again" The Boss laughed as once again he pressed the button releasing another painful shock at Riggy but it was starting to last longer...

"PLEASE STOP, STOP YOU MONSTER! PLEASE!" Riggy was crying at the pain but finally after 20 extremely painful seconds The Boss stopped and left the room but the shock as strong and long

"PLEASE STOP, STOP YOU MONSTER! PLEASE!" Riggy was crying at the pain but finally after 20 extremely painful seconds The Boss stopped and left the room but the shock as strong and long

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 enough to make Riggy pass out.

After 1 hour Riggy woke up again but all he could think of was about the interrogation and if anything happened to his ..friends... it could technically be his fault and if they knew they would all blame him so Riggy sat there sad wondering if anyone would actually believe him that he was forced specially Danno since they both had not the best friendship if it they were even friends after all the arguments and fights...... this thoughts continued and they were making Riggy question everything about everyone....

"what if I did cross the line at Royalmelon's funeral...who am I kidding of course I did...... what if Danno hates me a lot but doesn't want to tell me I mean who wouldn't hate me I would know that from toonville and my parents and school.... Why does everyone blame and hate me? I did nothing, I only killed to never be the victim anymore.. but I became worse than anyone and now killing is just a addiction.... Yay me.." Riggy thought to himself trying to hold tears then he heard the door open again.. it was The Boss again, a small pulse of nervousness ran through Riggy

"so tell me what if you joined me little one? What if we forgot everything you and me did to eachother like I forgive and forget about your dumb domino effect on the usb drive and you forgive and forget about earlier? I could pay you however you want" The Boss seemed happy about his excellent but twisted plan

"n-no! I would never betray or hurt Danno's friends! I would never join you you twisted son of a bitch!" Riggy seemed extremely angry that if it wouldn't been for the rope holding him he would have attacked with everythings he had at The Boss

"oh no it isn't a question you don't have a choice now your actions have consequences" The Boss once again pressed the button making Riggy scream, then The Boss asked once again "so are you joining? I can keep pressing the button as long as I want but I don't think you could resist"

"i-I im never joining y-you..." Riggy was beginning to see everything blurry

"oh? If that's the case I guess you could learn a lesson and that's to obey me" The Boss shocked Riggy a couple times until he yelled

" OK FINE FINE ILL JOIN YOU JUST MAKE THIS STOP!" Riggy was in so much pain

"wonderful now you may follow me oh and that collar is staying on until tomorrow so you don't try to escape or disobey cause traitors are not welcome im sure you know what happened to Royalmelon right?" The Boss said as untying Riggy and making him follow him to a strange bedroom and after Riggy entered The Boss closed the door and left, Riggy decided to rest knowing that the rest of his life would probably be short, but before sleeping he sent a text to Rory....

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